cmogstored.git  about / heads / tags
alternative mogstored implementation for MogileFS
tree 598132c977594020361506be5696d5ca404dae97
$ git ls-tree -l HEAD:test	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
 	40	.gitignore
 	2939	cfg-parser-1.c
 	5424	chunk-parser-1.c
 	15420	cmogstored-cfg.rb
 	1359	epoll-wrap.c
 	2723	epoll_enospc.rb
 	506	fdmap-1.c
x	1195
 	7868	graceful_quit.rb
 	11253	http-parser-1.c
 	9029	http.rb
 	14136	http_chunked_put.rb
 	2129	http_dav.rb
 	3307	http_getonly.rb
 	2851	http_idle_expire.rb
 	10371	http_put.rb
 	2630	http_put6_fail.rb
 	2234	http_put_slow.rb
 	7480	http_range.rb
 	5140	inherit.rb
x	2000	iostat-mock.rb
 	1262	ioutil-1.c
 	3382	mgmt-iostat.rb
 	2300	mgmt-usage.rb
 	11580	mgmt.rb
 	3025	mgmt_auto_adjust.rb
 	1849	mgmt_persist_client.rb
 	5328	mogilefs_integration.perl
 	2402	pwrite-wrap.c
 	3892	pwrite_wrap.rb
 	1567	queue-idle-1.c
 	1605	test_helper.rb
 	1359	thrpool-1.c
 	3841	trywrite-1.c
 	4737	upgrade.rb
 	328	valgrind.supp
 	842	valid-path-1.c
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone