Flipper OpenSSL OpenSSL::SSL
Kgio SSL SSLConnector SSLServer


::compression= ::new #closed? #compression #compression? #expansion #expansion? #kgio_addr #kgio_close #kgio_peek #kgio_read #kgio_read! #kgio_tryclose #kgio_trypeek #kgio_tryread #kgio_trysendfile #kgio_trywrite #kgio_write #peer_cert #session #session_reused? #ssl_cipher #ssl_client_cert #ssl_client_i_dn #ssl_client_raw_cert #ssl_client_s_dn #ssl_client_serial #ssl_client_verify #ssl_protocol #ssl_session_id

class Kgio::SSL

This class wraps an existing IO object and provides it SSL/TLS methods. This is only intended for servers that accept SSL/TLS connections.



Disables compression for a given SSL context, potentially resulting in reduced memory usage. This is identical to the OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION constant that appears in Ruby 1.9.3. Not all versions of OpenSSL support this feature.


to_io [R]

provides access to the underlying IO object, used internally by IO.select and Kgio.poll

Public Class Methods

Kgio::SSL.compression = false source

Setting this to false disables compression globally within the process. Other values are currently not supported, but may be in the future. This affects /ALL/ OpenSSL connections within the process; OpenSSL currently (1.0.0d) does not provide a way to enable/disable compression on a per-context or per-connection basis.

Disabling compression can significantly reduce memory usage of idle connections.

Newer versions of OpenSSL supports the Kgio::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION constant which allows disabling compression on a per-SSLContext basis. OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_COMPRESSION should also be supported in future versions of Ruby (1.9.3+).

Kgio::SSL.new(io, ssl_ctx) source

Wraps the existing io object with the given OpenSSL::SSL::Context ssl_ctx.

Public Instance Methods

kgio_ssl.closed?     -> true or false source

Returns true if the kgio_ssl (and associated IO object) is completely closed, false otherwise.

kgio_ssl.compression -> nil or Symbol source

Returns the name of the compression used for a given connection as a Symbol. Typical return values are :"zlib compression" or :"run length compression" or nil if no compression is not used.

kgio_ssl.compression?        -> true or false source

Returns whether or not compression is active for the given Kgio::SSL session.

kgio_ssl.expansion   -> nil or Symbol source

Returns the name of the expansion used for a given connection as a Symbol. Typical return values are :"zlib compression" or :"run length compression" or nil if no expansion is not used.

kgio_ssl.expansion?  -> true or false source

Returns whether or not expansion is active for the given Kgio::SSL session.

kgio_ssl.kgio_addr   -> String or nil source

Returns a string representing the IP address of an accepted socket. This is forwarded to the underlying IO object, assuming it is an Kgio::Socket. If Kgio::SSL is used to wrap a non-Kgio::Socket object, this will raise NoMethodError

kgio_close (limit = 30) source

Synchronously closes the SSL connection, waiting up to limit seconds for an orderly shutdown before doing a hard shutdown.

Returns nil on success, will raise IOError if descriptor is already closed.

kgio_peek (maxlen, buffer = "") source

See Kgio::PipeMethods#kgio_peek

kgio_read (maxlen, buffer = "") source

See Kgio::PipeMethods#kgio_read

kgio_read! (maxlen, buffer = "") source

See Kgio::PipeMethods#kgio_read!

kgio_ssl.kgio_tryclose source

returns nil on success returns :wait_readable or :wait_writable if the operation is in progress returns false on failure

kgio_ssl.kgio_trypeek(maxlen)           ->  buffer
kgio_ssl.kgio_trypeek(maxlen, buffer)   ->  buffer source

Retrieves at most maxlen bytes from the SSL socket, but preserving it for future peeks or reads. Returns with a newly allocated buffer, or may reuse an existing buffer if supplied.

Returns nil on EOF.

Returns :wait_readable or :wait_writable if EAGAIN is encountered.

kgio_ssl.kgio_tryread(maxlen, buffer = "")   ->  buffer source

Reads at most maxlen bytes from the stream socket. Returns with a newly allocated buffer, or may reuse an existing buffer if supplied.

Returns nil on EOF.

Returns :wait_readable or :wait_writable if EAGAIN is encountered.

kgio_ssl.kgio_trysendfile(in_io, offset=0, count=nil) source


This API matches the IO#trysendfile in the sendfile RubyGem (except :wait_readable may be returned).

Unlike the equivalent C sendfile() function, this never modifies the offset of in_io, even if offset is unspecified.

kgio_ssl.kgio_trywrite(str) source

Returns nil if the write was completed in full.

Returns a String containing the unwritten portion if EAGAIN was encountered, but some portion was successfully written.

Returns :wait_writable or :wait_readable if EAGAIN is encountered and nothing was written.

kgio_write (string) source

See Kgio::PipeMethods#kgio_write

kgio_ssl.peer_cert => cert or nil source

Returns the peer certificate for this Kgio::SSL object (for client sockets)

kgio_ssl.session     -> OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSession source

Returns the SSLSession object associated with the given Kgio::SSL object

kgio_ssl.session_reused?     -> true or false source

Returns whether or not the session was reused.

kgio_ssl.ssl_cipher -> String source

Returns the name of the cipher used in the connection as a frozen string.

ssl_client_cert () source

Returns the client certificate in PEM format in a format suitable for including in HTTP headers Raises NoMethodError if client did not send a peer certificate This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

ssl_client_i_dn () source

Returns the issuer Distinguished Name of the client peer certificate Raises NoMethodError if client did not send a peer certificate This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

ssl_client_raw_cert () source

Returns the client certificate in PEM format. Raises NoMethodError if client did not send a peer certificate This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

ssl_client_s_dn () source

Returns the subject Distinguished Name of the client peer certificate Raises NoMethodError if client did not send a peer certificate This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

ssl_client_serial () source

Returns the SSL client certificate serial number as a hexadecimal string Raises NoMethodError if client did not send a peer certificate This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

kgio_ssl.ssl_client_verify   -> "SUCCESS", "NONE", or "FAILED" source

Returns "SUCCESS" if client verification failed, "NONE" if no peer certificate was provided, and "FAILED" if certificate verification failed.

This matches the $ssl_client_verify variable supported by nginx.

kgio_ssl.ssl_protocol       -> "SSLv2", "SSLv3", or "TLSv1" source

Returns the name of the protocol version of a connection as a frozen string. May return "unknown" if no connection has been established.

ssl_session_id () source

Returns a hex-encoded string representing the SSL session ID This matches the nginx variable of the same name.

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