= Wordexp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Wordexp module only includes the wordexp method and WRDE_* constants. Include this module into any class to use the wordexp method. call-seq: include Wordexp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = Constants: WRDE_NOCMD: WRDE_NOCMD Do not do command substition. Command-substition is enabled by default, so it is possible to read the standard output of arbitrary commands. WRDE_SHOWERR: WRDE_SHOWERR Do not redirect stderr to /dev/null when performing command substition. Normally, stderr is directed to /dev/null. WRDE_UNDEF: WRDE_UNDEF Causes WordexpError::Badval to be raised if an undefined environment variable is used. Otherwise undefined variables will evaluate to an empty string = Instance methods: wordexp = Wordexp#wordexp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wordexp("hello $(echo world)") -> [ "hello", "world" ] wordexp("untrusted string", WRDE_NOCMD) -> [ "untrusted", "string" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wordexp performs word expansion like a POSIX-shell