A text-only mailing list for Unix systems programming in Ruby ============================================================= Original discussion/introduction about this list started in ruby-talk: http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/387469 The "separate mailing list" mentioned is usp.ruby@librelist.org Subscribe --------- To subscribe, send an email to usp.ruby@librelist.org and follow the directions in the response to confirm your subscription. If you are new to the list, you can catch up by reading the mailing list archives (see below). Mailing list rules ------------------ * Be nice to each other * Do not [top post][1] when replying, quote only what you reply to (or don't quote at all) * Text only; no HTML or attachments Mailing list archives --------------------- You will find yearly and monthly mbox archives in the "archives/" directory curl -O http://bogomips.org/usp.ruby/archives/2011.mbox.gz Nearly all mail user agents can open or import mbox format files. Mutt users can run the following command to browse an mbox: mutt -f /path/to/downloaded/mbox Librelist archives ------------------ Librelist also makes Maildirs available via rsync: rsync -avz librelist.com::archives/usp.ruby/$YYYY/$MM Librelist also has a web interface: http://librelist.com/browser/usp.ruby/ [1]: http://catb.org/jargon/html/T/top-post.html