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path: root/lib
DateCommit message (Expand)
2016-07-28pure: remove Rack::Utils.bytesize dependency
2015-02-27pure: use monotonic clock if possible
2015-02-27pure: fix reentrancy of request_time
2014-05-12remove :to_io support
2012-11-02avoid calling "<<" on env["rack.errors"]
2011-12-05escape individual cookie values from $cookie_*
2011-12-05escape bytes in the 0x7F-0xFF range, too
2011-04-19$time_local and $time_utc are locale-independent
2011-04-16add support for $time_iso8601 format
2011-03-16:format may be a Symbol for less typing
2011-03-15clogger: remove VERSION constant
2011-01-21clogger 0.8.0 - delegating away! v0.8.0
2011-01-21pure: simpler autoload trigger
2011-01-21delegate method_missing calls to the response body
2011-01-21pass along "to_io" calls to the body
2011-01-14clogger 0.7.0 - portability improvements, cleanups v0.7.0
2011-01-14properly support $time_utc as documented
2011-01-14handle abitrarily long time formats in C extension
2011-01-14remove Clogger::ToPath proxy class
2010-12-25clogger 0.6.0 - :path shortcut, minor bugfixes v0.6.0
2010-12-25fix $msec and $usec in pure Ruby variant
2010-12-24eliminate unnecessary freeze and dup
2010-12-24accept a new :path argument in initialize
2010-06-06clogger 0.5.0 - body.to_path forwarding v0.5.0
2010-06-06CLOGGER_PURE=0 disables the C ext
2010-06-06no point in using autoload for Rack
2010-06-06doc: RDoc cleanups, split out LICENSE file
2010-06-06pass-through body.to_path when wrapping the body
2010-06-06when wrapping the body, body.close writes the log
2010-04-21clogger 0.4.0 v0.4.0
2010-04-21avoid direct require of "rack" to quiet warnings
2010-02-13clogger 0.3.2 v0.3.2
2010-02-09clogger 0.3.0 v0.3.0
2010-02-08Allow :reentrant flag to be forced true/false
2010-01-06clogger 0.2.0 v0.2.0
2010-01-06pure: use Rack::Utils.bytesize instead of String#size
2010-01-06pure: avoid unnecessary method dispatches
2009-10-06clogger 0.1.0 v0.1.0
2009-09-09clogger 0.0.7 v0.0.7
2009-09-09handle bodies that do not respond to :close
2009-09-07clogger 0.0.6 v0.0.6
2009-09-07Don't bother creating HeaderHash unless we need it
2009-09-04use Rack::Utils::HeaderHash for $sent_http_* lookups
2009-09-03add support for several more CGI variables
2009-09-03add output record separator option (:ORS)
2009-09-03CLOGGER_PURE forces the pure version to be loaded
2009-09-03Ensure underlying logger objects are sync=true
2009-09-02clogger 0.0.5 v0.0.5
2009-09-02alias $http_content_{length,type} to $content_{length,type}
2009-09-02expose the $content_length/$content_type variables