From a70468036d9b780bc7ec921f7feb6e1275778169 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Wong Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 20:47:43 -0700 Subject: initial import --- .gitignore | 13 + COPYING | 165 ++++ GNUmakefile | 37 + History.txt | 5 + Manifest.txt | 19 + README.txt | 114 +++ Rakefile | 30 + ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c | 800 +++++++++++++++++++ ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb | 12 + ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h | 23 + lib/clogger.rb | 133 ++++ lib/clogger/format.rb | 25 + lib/clogger/pure.rb | 126 +++ setup.rb | 1585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ test/test_clogger.rb | 349 ++++++++ 15 files changed, 3436 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 GNUmakefile create mode 100644 History.txt create mode 100644 Manifest.txt create mode 100644 README.txt create mode 100644 Rakefile create mode 100644 ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c create mode 100644 ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb create mode 100644 ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h create mode 100644 lib/clogger.rb create mode 100644 lib/clogger/format.rb create mode 100644 lib/clogger/pure.rb create mode 100644 setup.rb create mode 100644 test/test_clogger.rb diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d1222b --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Makefile +*.log +*.rbc +*.so +*.o +*.a +*.bundle +.DS_Store +/.config +/InstalledFiles +/doc +/ +/pkg diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cca7fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3481564 --- /dev/null +++ b/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +all:: test +ruby = ruby + +-include + +ifeq ($(DLEXT),) # "so" for Linux + DLEXT := $(shell $(ruby) -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["DLEXT"]') +endif + +ifeq ($(RUBY_VERSION),) + RUBY_VERSION := $(shell $(ruby) -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION') +endif + +ext/clogger_ext/Makefile: ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb + cd ext/clogger_ext && $(ruby) extconf.rb + +ext/clogger_ext/clogger.$(DLEXT): ext/clogger_ext/Makefile + $(MAKE) -C ext/clogger_ext + +clean: + -$(MAKE) -C ext/clogger_ext clean + $(RM) ext/clogger_ext/Makefile lib/clogger_ext.$(DLEXT) + +test-ext: ext/clogger_ext/clogger.$(DLEXT) + $(ruby) -Iext/clogger_ext:lib test/test_clogger.rb + +test-pure: + $(ruby) -Ilib test/test_clogger.rb + +test: test-ext test-pure + +Manifest.txt: + git ls-files > $@+ + cmp $@+ $@ || mv $@+ $@ + $(RM) -f $@+ + +.PHONY: test doc Manifest.txt diff --git a/History.txt b/History.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51bd07d --- /dev/null +++ b/History.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +=== 0.0.1 / 2009-08-28 + +* 1 major enhancement + + * initial release diff --git a/Manifest.txt b/Manifest.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec8915c --- /dev/null +++ b/Manifest.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +.gitignore +COPYING +GNUmakefile +History.txt +Manifest.txt +README.txt +Rakefile +benchmarks/rack_common_logger_0_9_1.rb +benchmarks/rack_common_logger_1_0_0.rb +benchmarks/rack_common_logger_ew.rb +benchmarks/test_run.rb +ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c +ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb +ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h +lib/clogger.rb +lib/clogger/format.rb +lib/clogger/pure.rb +setup.rb +test/test_clogger.rb diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b57b97f --- /dev/null +++ b/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ += Clogger - configurable request logging for Rack + +* +* +* git:// +* + +== DESCRIPTION + +Clogger is Rack middleware for logging HTTP requests. The log format +is customizable so you can specify exactly which fields to log. + +== FEATURES + +* pre-defines Apache Common Log Format, Apache Combined Log Format and + Rack::CommonLogger (as distributed by Rack 1.0) formats. + +* highly customizable with easy-to-read nginx-like log formatting variables. + +* Untrusted values are escaped (all HTTP headers, request URI components) + to make life easier for HTTP log parsers. The following bytes are escaped: + + ' (single quote) + " (double quote) + all bytes in the range of \x00-\x1f + +== SYNOPSIS + +Clogger may be loaded as Rack middleware in your + + require "clogger" + use Clogger, + :format => Clogger::Format::Combined, + :logger =>"/path/to/log", "ab") + run + +If you're using Rails 2.3.x or later, in your config/environment.rb +somewhere inside the " do |config|" block: + + config.middleware.use 'Clogger', + :format => Clogger::Format::Combined, + :logger =>"/path/to/log", "ab") + +== VARIABLES + +* $http_* - HTTP request headers (e.g. $http_user_agent) +* $sent_http_* - HTTP response headers (e.g. $sent_http_content_length) +* $cookie_* - HTTP request cookie (e.g. $cookie_session_id) + Rack::Request#cookies must have been used by the underlying application + to parse the cookies into a hash. +* $request_method - the HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, HEAD, ...) +* $path_info - path component requested (e.g. /index.html) +* $query_string - request query string (not including leading "?") +* $request_uri - the URI requested ($path_info?$query_string) +* $request - the first line of the HTTP request + ($request_method $request_uri $http_version) +* $request_time, $request_time{PRECISION} - time taken for request + (including response body iteration). PRECISION defaults to 3 + (milliseconds) if not specified but may be specified 0(seconds) to + 6(microseconds). +* $time_local, $time_local{FORMAT} - current local time, FORMAT defaults to + "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z" but accepts any strftime(3)-compatible format +* $time_utc, $time_utc{FORMAT} - like $time_local, except with UTC +* $usec - current time in seconds.microseconds since the Epoch +* $msec - current time in seconds.milliseconds since the Epoch +* $body_bytes_sent - bytes in the response body (Apache: %B) +* $response_length - body_bytes_sent, except "-" instead of "0" (Apache: %b) +* $remote_user - HTTP-authenticated user +* $remote_addr - IP of the requesting client socket +* $ip - X-Forwarded-For request header if available, $remote_addr if not +* $pid - process ID of the current process +* $e{Thread.current} - Thread processing the request +* $e{Actor.current} - Actor processing the request (Revactor or Rubinius) + +== REQUIREMENTS + +* Ruby, Rack + +== CONTACT + +All feedback (bug reports, user/development dicussion, patches, pull +requests) should go to the mailing list. Patches should be sent inline +(git format-patch -M + git send-email) so we can reply to them inline. + +* + +== INSTALL: + +For Rubygems users: + + gem install clogger + +If you're using MRI 1.8 or 1.9 and have a build environment, you can also try: + + gem install clogger_ext + +A setup.rb file is also included if you do not use Rubygems. + +== LICENSE + +Copyright (C) 2009 Eric Wong and contributors. + +Clogger is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +Free Software Foundation, version 3.0. + +Clogger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY +WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public +License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with Clogger; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1dcf85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Rakefile @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +require 'hoe' +$LOAD_PATH << 'lib' +require 'clogger' +begin + require 'rake/extensiontask' +'clogger_ext') +rescue LoadError + warn "rake-compiler not available, cross compiling disabled" +end + +common = lambda do |hoe| + title = hoe.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 0).first.sub(/^= /, '') + hoe.version = Clogger::VERSION + hoe.summary = title.split(/\s*-\s*/, 2).last + hoe.description = hoe.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 3) + hoe.rubyforge_name = 'clogger' + = 'Eric Wong' + = '' + hoe.spec_extras.merge!('rdoc_options' => [ "--title", title ]) + hoe.remote_rdoc_dir = '' +end + +if ENV['CLOGGER_EXT'] + Hoe.spec('clogger_ext') do + + self.spec_extras.merge!(:extensions => Dir.glob('ext/*/extconf.rb')) + end +else + Hoe.spec('clogger') { } +end diff --git a/ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c b/ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34927d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ext/clogger_ext/clogger.c @@ -0,0 +1,800 @@ +#define _BSD_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H +# include +#endif +#include "ruby_1_9_compat.h" + +/* in case _BSD_SOURCE doesn't give us this macro */ +#ifndef timersub +# define timersub(a, b, result) \ +do { \ + (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; \ + (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec; \ + if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) { \ + --(result)->tv_sec; \ + (result)->tv_usec += 1000000; \ + } \ +} while (0) +#endif + +/* give GCC hints for better branch prediction + * (we layout branches so that ASCII characters are handled faster) */ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3) +# define likely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1) +# define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0) +#else +# define unlikely(x) (x) +# define likely(x) (x) +#endif + +enum clogger_opcode { + CL_OP_LITERAL = 0, + CL_OP_REQUEST, + CL_OP_RESPONSE, + CL_OP_SPECIAL, + CL_OP_EVAL, + CL_OP_TIME_LOCAL, + CL_OP_TIME_UTC, + CL_OP_REQUEST_TIME, + CL_OP_TIME, + CL_OP_COOKIE +}; + +enum clogger_special { + CL_SP_body_bytes_sent = 0, + CL_SP_status, + CL_SP_request, + CL_SP_request_length, + CL_SP_response_length, + CL_SP_ip, + CL_SP_pid +}; + +struct clogger { + VALUE app; + + VALUE fmt_ops; + VALUE logger; + VALUE log_buf; + + VALUE env; + VALUE cookies; + VALUE response; + + off_t body_bytes_sent; + struct timeval tv_start; + + int fd; + int wrap_body; + int need_resp; + int reentrant; /* tri-state, -1:auto, 1/0 true/false */ +}; + +static ID ltlt_id; +static ID call_id; +static ID each_id; +static ID close_id; +static ID to_i_id; +static ID to_s_id; +static ID size_id; +static VALUE cClogger; +static VALUE mFormat; + +/* common hash lookup keys */ +static VALUE g_HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; +static VALUE g_REMOTE_ADDR; +static VALUE g_REQUEST_METHOD; +static VALUE g_PATH_INFO; +static VALUE g_QUERY_STRING; +static VALUE g_HTTP_VERSION; +static VALUE g_rack_errors; +static VALUE g_rack_input; +static VALUE g_rack_multithread; +static VALUE g_dash; +static VALUE g_empty; +static VALUE g_space; +static VALUE g_question_mark; +static VALUE g_rack_request_cookie_hash; + +#define LOG_BUF_INIT_SIZE 128 + +static void init_buffers(struct clogger *c) +{ + c->log_buf = rb_str_buf_new(LOG_BUF_INIT_SIZE); +} + +static inline int need_escape(unsigned c) +{ + assert(c <= 0xff); + return !!(c == '\'' || c == '"' || (c >= 0 && c <= 0x1f)); +} + +/* we are encoding-agnostic, clients can send us all sorts of junk */ +static VALUE byte_xs(VALUE from) +{ + static const char esc[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; + unsigned char *new_ptr; + unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(from); + long len = RSTRING_LEN(from); + long new_len = len; + VALUE rv; + + for (; --len >= 0; ptr++) { + unsigned c = *ptr; + + if (unlikely(need_escape(c))) + new_len += 3; /* { '\', 'x', 'X', 'X' } */ + } + + len = RSTRING_LEN(from); + if (new_len == len) + return from; + + rv = rb_str_new(0, new_len); + new_ptr = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(rv); + ptr = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(from); + for (; --len >= 0; ptr++) { + unsigned c = *ptr; + + if (unlikely(need_escape(c))) { + *new_ptr++ = '\\'; + *new_ptr++ = 'x'; + *new_ptr++ = esc[c >> 4]; + *new_ptr++ = esc[c & 0xf]; + } else { + *new_ptr++ = c; + } + } + assert(RSTRING_PTR(rv)[RSTRING_LEN(rv)] == '\0'); + + return rv; +} + +/* strcasecmp isn't locale independent, so we roll our own */ +static int str_case_eq(VALUE a, VALUE b) +{ + long alen = RSTRING_LEN(a); + long blen = RSTRING_LEN(b); + + if (alen == blen) { + const char *aptr = RSTRING_PTR(a); + const char *bptr = RSTRING_PTR(b); + + for (; alen--; ++aptr, ++bptr) { + if ((*bptr == *aptr) + || (*aptr >= 'A' && *aptr <= 'Z' && + (*aptr | 0x20) == *bptr)) + continue; + return 0; + } + return 1; + } + return 0; +} + +struct response_ops { long nr; VALUE ops; }; + +/* this can be worse than O(M*N) :<... but C loops are fast ... */ +static VALUE swap_sent_headers(VALUE kv, VALUE memo) +{ + struct response_ops *tmp = (struct response_ops *)memo; + VALUE key = RARRAY_PTR(kv)[0]; + long i = RARRAY_LEN(tmp->ops); + VALUE *ary = RARRAY_PTR(tmp->ops); + VALUE value; + + for (; --i >= 0; ary++) { + VALUE *op = RARRAY_PTR(*ary); + enum clogger_opcode opcode = NUM2INT(op[0]); + + if (opcode != CL_OP_RESPONSE) + continue; + assert(RARRAY_LEN(*ary) == 2); + if (!str_case_eq(key, op[1])) + continue; + + value = RARRAY_PTR(kv)[1]; + op[0] = INT2NUM(CL_OP_LITERAL); + op[1] = byte_xs(rb_obj_as_string(value)); + + if (!--tmp->nr) + rb_iter_break(); + return Qnil; + } + return Qnil; +} + +static VALUE sent_headers_ops(struct clogger *c) +{ + struct response_ops tmp; + long i, len; + VALUE *ary; + + if (!c->need_resp) + return c->fmt_ops; + + = 0; + tmp.ops = rb_ary_dup(c->fmt_ops); + len = RARRAY_LEN(tmp.ops); + ary = RARRAY_PTR(tmp.ops); + + for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + VALUE *op = RARRAY_PTR(ary[i]); + + if (NUM2INT(op[0]) == CL_OP_RESPONSE) { + assert(RARRAY_LEN(ary[i]) == 2); + ary[i] = rb_ary_dup(ary[i]); +; + } + } + + rb_iterate(rb_each, RARRAY_PTR(c->response)[1], + swap_sent_headers, (VALUE)&tmp); + + return tmp.ops; +} + +static void clogger_mark(void *ptr) +{ + struct clogger *c = ptr; + + rb_gc_mark_locations(&c->app, &c->response); +} + +static VALUE clogger_alloc(VALUE klass) +{ + struct clogger *c; + + return Data_Make_Struct(klass, struct clogger, clogger_mark, 0, c); +} + +static struct clogger *clogger_get(VALUE self) +{ + struct clogger *c; + + Data_Get_Struct(self, struct clogger, c); + assert(c); + return c; +} + +static VALUE obj_fileno(VALUE obj) +{ + return rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("fileno"), 0); +} + +/* only for writing to regular files, not stupid crap like NFS */ +static void write_full(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) +{ + ssize_t r; + + while (count > 0) { + r = write(fd, buf, count); + + if (r == count) { /* overwhelmingly likely */ + return; + } else if (r > 0) { + count -= r; + buf += r; + } else { + if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) + continue; /* poor souls on NFS and like: */ + if (!errno) + errno = ENOSPC; + rb_sys_fail("write"); + } + } +} + +/* + * allow us to use write_full() iff we detect a blocking file + * descriptor that wouldn't play nicely with Ruby threading/fibers + */ +static int raw_fd(VALUE fileno) +{ +#if defined(HAVE_FCNTL) && defined(F_GETFL) && defined(O_NONBLOCK) + int fd; + int flags; + + if (NIL_P(fileno)) + return -1; + fd = NUM2INT(fileno); + + flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); + if (flags < 0) + rb_sys_fail("fcntl"); + + return (flags & O_NONBLOCK) ? -1 : fd; +#else /* platforms w/o fcntl/F_GETFL/O_NONBLOCK */ + return -1; +#endif /* platforms w/o fcntl/F_GETFL/O_NONBLOCK */ +} + +/* :nodoc: */ +static VALUE clogger_reentrant(VALUE self) +{ + return clogger_get(self)->reentrant == 0 ? Qfalse : Qtrue; +} + +/* :nodoc: */ +static VALUE clogger_wrap_body(VALUE self) +{ + return clogger_get(self)->wrap_body == 0 ? Qfalse : Qtrue; +} + +static void append_status(struct clogger *c, VALUE status) +{ + char buf[sizeof("999")]; + int nr; + + if (TYPE(status) != T_FIXNUM) { + status = rb_funcall(status, to_i_id, 0); + /* no way it's a valid status code (at least not HTTP/1.1) */ + if (TYPE(status) != T_FIXNUM) { + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_dash); + return; + } + } + + nr = NUM2INT(status); + if (nr >= 100 && nr <= 999) { + nr = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%03d", nr); + assert(nr == 3); + rb_str_buf_cat(c->log_buf, buf, nr); + } else { + /* raise?, swap for 500? */ + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_dash); + } +} + +/* this is Rack 1.0.0-compatible, won't try to parse commas in XFF */ +static void append_ip(struct clogger *c) +{ + VALUE env = c->env; + VALUE tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); + + if (NIL_P(tmp)) { + /* can't be faked on any real server, so no escape */ + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_REMOTE_ADDR); + if (NIL_P(tmp)) + tmp = g_dash; + } else { + tmp = byte_xs(tmp); + } + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, tmp); +} + +static void append_body_bytes_sent(struct clogger *c) +{ + char buf[(sizeof(off_t) * 8) / 3 + 1]; + const char *fmt = sizeof(off_t) == sizeof(long) ? "%ld" : "%lld"; + int nr = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, c->body_bytes_sent); + + assert(nr > 0 && nr < sizeof(buf)); + rb_str_buf_cat(c->log_buf, buf, nr); +} + +static void append_tv(struct clogger *c, const VALUE *op, struct timeval *tv) +{ + char buf[sizeof(".000000") + ((sizeof(tv->tv_sec) * 8) / 3)]; + int nr; + char *fmt = RSTRING_PTR(op[1]); + int div = NUM2INT(op[2]); + + nr = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, + (int)tv->tv_sec, (int)(tv->tv_usec / div)); + assert(nr > 0 && nr < sizeof(buf)); + rb_str_buf_cat(c->log_buf, buf, nr); +} + +static void append_request_time_fmt(struct clogger *c, const VALUE *op) +{ + struct timeval now, d; + + gettimeofday(&now, NULL); + timersub(&now, &c->tv_start, &d); + append_tv(c, op, &d); +} + +static void append_time_fmt(struct clogger *c, const VALUE *op) +{ + struct timeval now; + + gettimeofday(&now, NULL); + append_tv(c, op, &now); +} + +static void append_request(struct clogger *c) +{ + VALUE tmp; + VALUE env = c->env; + + /* REQUEST_METHOD doesn't need escaping, Rack::Lint governs it */ + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_REQUEST_METHOD); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, NIL_P(tmp) ? g_empty : tmp); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_space); + + /* broken clients can send " and other questionable URIs */ + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_PATH_INFO); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, NIL_P(tmp) ? g_empty : byte_xs(tmp)); + + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_QUERY_STRING); + if (RSTRING_LEN(tmp) != 0) { + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_question_mark); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, byte_xs(tmp)); + } + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_space); + + /* HTTP_VERSION can be injected by malicious clients */ + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_HTTP_VERSION); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, NIL_P(tmp) ? g_empty : byte_xs(tmp)); +} + +static void append_request_length(struct clogger *c) +{ + VALUE tmp = rb_hash_aref(c->env, g_rack_input); + if (NIL_P(tmp)) { + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_dash); + } else { + tmp = rb_funcall(tmp, size_id, 0); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, rb_funcall(tmp, to_s_id, 0)); + } +} + +static void append_time(struct clogger *c, enum clogger_opcode op, VALUE fmt) +{ + /* you'd have to be a moron to use formats this big... */ + char buf[sizeof("Saturday, November 01, 1970, 00:00:00 PM +0000")]; + size_t nr; + struct tm tmp; + time_t t = time(NULL); + + if (op == CL_OP_TIME_LOCAL) + localtime_r(&t, &tmp); + else if (op == CL_OP_TIME_UTC) + gmtime_r(&t, &tmp); + else + assert(0 && "unknown op"); + + nr = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), RSTRING_PTR(fmt), &tmp); + if (nr == 0 || nr == sizeof(buf)) + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_dash); + else + rb_str_buf_cat(c->log_buf, buf, nr); +} + +static void append_pid(struct clogger *c) +{ + char buf[(sizeof(pid_t) * 8) / 3 + 1]; + int nr = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (int)getpid()); + + assert(nr > 0 && nr < sizeof(buf)); + rb_str_buf_cat(c->log_buf, buf, nr); +} + +static void append_eval(struct clogger *c, VALUE str) +{ + int state = -1; + VALUE rv = rb_eval_string_protect(RSTRING_PTR(str), &state); + + rv = state == 0 ? rb_obj_as_string(rv) : g_dash; + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, rv); +} + +static void append_cookie(struct clogger *c, VALUE key) +{ + VALUE cookie; + + if (c->cookies == Qfalse) + c->cookies = rb_hash_aref(c->env, g_rack_request_cookie_hash); + + if (NIL_P(c->cookies)) { + cookie = g_dash; + } else { + cookie = rb_hash_aref(c->cookies, key); + if (NIL_P(cookie)) + cookie = g_dash; + } + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, cookie); +} + +static void append_request_env(struct clogger *c, VALUE key) +{ + VALUE tmp = rb_hash_aref(c->env, key); + + tmp = NIL_P(tmp) ? g_dash : byte_xs(rb_obj_as_string(tmp)); + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, tmp); +} + +static void special_var(struct clogger *c, enum clogger_special var) +{ + switch (var) { + case CL_SP_body_bytes_sent: + append_body_bytes_sent(c); + break; + case CL_SP_status: + append_status(c, RARRAY_PTR(c->response)[0]); + break; + case CL_SP_request: + append_request(c); + break; + case CL_SP_request_length: + append_request_length(c); + break; + case CL_SP_response_length: + if (c->body_bytes_sent == 0) + rb_str_buf_append(c->log_buf, g_dash); + else + append_body_bytes_sent(c); + break; + case CL_SP_ip: + append_ip(c); + break; + case CL_SP_pid: + append_pid(c); + } +} + +static VALUE cwrite(struct clogger *c) +{ + const VALUE ops = sent_headers_ops(c); + const VALUE *ary = RARRAY_PTR(ops); + long i = RARRAY_LEN(ops); + VALUE dst = c->log_buf; + + rb_str_set_len(dst, 0); + + for (; --i >= 0; ary++) { + const VALUE *op = RARRAY_PTR(*ary); + enum clogger_opcode opcode = NUM2INT(op[0]); + + switch (opcode) { + case CL_OP_LITERAL: + rb_str_buf_append(dst, op[1]); + break; + case CL_OP_REQUEST: + append_request_env(c, op[1]); + break; + case CL_OP_RESPONSE: + /* headers we found already got swapped for literals */ + rb_str_buf_append(dst, g_dash); + break; + case CL_OP_SPECIAL: + special_var(c, NUM2INT(op[1])); + break; + case CL_OP_EVAL: + append_eval(c, op[1]); + break; + case CL_OP_TIME_LOCAL: + case CL_OP_TIME_UTC: + append_time(c, opcode, op[1]); + break; + case CL_OP_REQUEST_TIME: + append_request_time_fmt(c, op); + break; + case CL_OP_TIME: + append_time_fmt(c, op); + break; + case CL_OP_COOKIE: + append_cookie(c, op[1]); + break; + } + } + + if (c->fd >= 0) { + write_full(c->fd, RSTRING_PTR(dst), RSTRING_LEN(dst)); + } else { + VALUE logger = c->logger; + + if (NIL_P(logger)) + logger = rb_hash_aref(c->env, g_rack_errors); + rb_funcall(logger, ltlt_id, 1, dst); + } + + return Qnil; +} + +/** + * call-seq: + *, :logger => $stderr, :format => string) => obj + * + * Creates a new Clogger object that wraps +app+. +:logger+ may + * be any object that responds to the "<<" method with a string argument. + */ +static VALUE clogger_init(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) +{ + struct clogger *c = clogger_get(self); + VALUE o = Qnil; + VALUE fmt = rb_const_get(mFormat, rb_intern("Common")); + + rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &c->app, &o); + c->fd = -1; + c->logger = Qnil; + c->reentrant = -1; /* auto-detect */ + + if (TYPE(o) == T_HASH) { + VALUE tmp; + + c->logger = rb_hash_aref(o, ID2SYM(rb_intern("logger"))); + if (!NIL_P(c->logger)) + c->fd = raw_fd(rb_rescue(obj_fileno, c->logger, 0, 0)); + + tmp = rb_hash_aref(o, ID2SYM(rb_intern("format"))); + if (!NIL_P(tmp)) + fmt = tmp; + } + + init_buffers(c); + c->fmt_ops = rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("compile_format"), 1, fmt); + + if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("need_response_headers?"), + 1, c->fmt_ops)) + c->need_resp = 1; + if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("need_wrap_body?"), + 1, c->fmt_ops)) + c->wrap_body = 1; + + return self; +} + +static VALUE body_iter_i(VALUE str, VALUE memop) +{ + off_t *len = (off_t *)memop; + + *len += RSTRING_LEN(str); + + return rb_yield(str); +} + +static VALUE wrap_each(struct clogger *c) +{ + VALUE body = RARRAY_PTR(c->response)[2]; + + rb_need_block(); + c->body_bytes_sent = 0; + rb_iterate(rb_each, body, body_iter_i, (VALUE)&c->body_bytes_sent); + + return body; +} + +/** + * call-seq: + * clogger.each { |part| socket.write(part) } + * + * Delegates the body#each call to the underlying +body+ object + * while tracking the number of bytes yielded. This will log + * the request. + */ +static VALUE clogger_each(VALUE self) +{ + struct clogger *c = clogger_get(self); + + return rb_ensure(wrap_each, (VALUE)c, cwrite, (VALUE)c); +} + +/** + * call-seq: + * clogger.close + * + * Delegates the body#close call to the underlying +body+ object. + * This is only used when Clogger is wrapping the +body+ of a Rack + * response and should be automatically called by the web server. + */ +static VALUE clogger_close(VALUE self) +{ + struct clogger *c = clogger_get(self); + + return rb_funcall(RARRAY_PTR(c->response)[2], close_id, 0); +} + +/* :nodoc: */ +static VALUE clogger_fileno(VALUE self) +{ + struct clogger *c = clogger_get(self); + + return c->fd < 0 ? Qnil : INT2NUM(c->fd); +} + +static void ccall(struct clogger *c, VALUE env) +{ + gettimeofday(&c->tv_start, NULL); + c->env = env; + c->cookies = Qfalse; + c->response = rb_funcall(c->app, call_id, 1, env); +} + +/* + * call-seq: + * => [ status, headers, body ] + * + * calls the wrapped Rack application with +env+, returns the + * [status, headers, body ] tuplet required by Rack. + */ +static VALUE clogger_call(VALUE self, VALUE env) +{ + struct clogger *c = clogger_get(self); + + if (c->wrap_body) { + VALUE tmp; + + if (c->reentrant < 0) { + tmp = rb_hash_aref(env, g_rack_multithread); + c->reentrant = Qfalse == tmp ? 0 : 1; + } + if (c->reentrant) { + self = rb_obj_dup(self); + c = clogger_get(self); + } + + ccall(c, env); + tmp = rb_ary_dup(c->response); + rb_ary_store(tmp, 2, self); + return tmp; + } + + ccall(c, env); + cwrite(c); + + return c->response; +} + +/* :nodoc */ +static VALUE clogger_init_copy(VALUE clone, VALUE orig) +{ + struct clogger *a = clogger_get(orig); + struct clogger *b = clogger_get(clone); + + memcpy(b, a, sizeof(struct clogger)); + init_buffers(b); + + return clone; +} + +#define CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(var, val) do { \ + g_##var = rb_obj_freeze(rb_str_new(val, sizeof(val) - 1)); \ + rb_global_variable(&g_##var); \ +} while (0) + +#define CONST_GLOBAL_STR(val) CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(val, #val) + +void Init_clogger_ext(void) +{ + ltlt_id = rb_intern("<<"); + call_id = rb_intern("call"); + each_id = rb_intern("each"); + close_id = rb_intern("close"); + to_i_id = rb_intern("to_i"); + to_s_id = rb_intern("to_s"); + size_id = rb_intern("size"); + cClogger = rb_define_class("Clogger", rb_cObject); + mFormat = rb_define_module_under(cClogger, "Format"); + rb_define_alloc_func(cClogger, clogger_alloc); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "initialize", clogger_init, -1); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "initialize_copy", clogger_init_copy, 1); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "call", clogger_call, 1); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "each", clogger_each, 0); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "close", clogger_close, 0); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "fileno", clogger_fileno, 0); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "wrap_body?", clogger_wrap_body, 0); + rb_define_method(cClogger, "reentrant?", clogger_reentrant, 0); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(REMOTE_ADDR); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(REQUEST_METHOD); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(PATH_INFO); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(QUERY_STRING); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR(HTTP_VERSION); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(rack_errors, "rack.errors"); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(rack_input, "rack.input"); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(rack_multithread, "rack.multithread"); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(dash, "-"); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(empty, ""); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(space, " "); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(question_mark, "?"); + CONST_GLOBAL_STR2(rack_request_cookie_hash, "rack.request.cookie_hash"); +} diff --git a/ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb b/ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cc8b5e --- /dev/null +++ b/ext/clogger_ext/extconf.rb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +require 'mkmf' + +if have_header('fcntl.h') + have_macro('F_GETFL', %w(fcntl.h)) + have_macro('O_NONBLOCK', %w(unistd.h fcntl.h)) +end + +have_func('localtime_r', 'time.h') or abort "localtime_r needed" +have_func('gmtime_r', 'time.h') or abort "gmtime_r needed" +have_func('rb_str_set_len', 'ruby.h') +dir_config('clogger_ext') +create_makefile('clogger_ext') diff --git a/ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h b/ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0ba4ac --- /dev/null +++ b/ext/clogger_ext/ruby_1_9_compat.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/* Ruby 1.8.6+ macros (for compatibility with Ruby 1.9) */ +#ifndef RSTRING_PTR +# define RSTRING_PTR(s) (RSTRING(s)->ptr) +#endif +#ifndef RSTRING_LEN +# define RSTRING_LEN(s) (RSTRING(s)->len) +#endif +#ifndef RARRAY_PTR +# define RARRAY_PTR(s) (RARRAY(s)->ptr) +#endif +#ifndef RARRAY_LEN +# define RARRAY_LEN(s) (RARRAY(s)->len) +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_RB_STR_SET_LEN +/* this is taken from Ruby 1.8.7, 1.8.6 may not have it */ +static void rb_18_str_set_len(VALUE str, long len) +{ + RSTRING(str)->len = len; + RSTRING(str)->ptr[len] = '\0'; +} +#define rb_str_set_len(str,len) rb_18_str_set_len(str,len) +#endif diff --git a/lib/clogger.rb b/lib/clogger.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e4148e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/clogger.rb @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +# -*- encoding: binary -*- +class Clogger + VERSION = '0.0.1' + + OP_LITERAL = 0 + OP_REQUEST = 1 + OP_RESPONSE = 2 + OP_SPECIAL = 3 + OP_EVAL = 4 + OP_TIME_LOCAL = 5 + OP_TIME_UTC = 6 + OP_REQUEST_TIME = 7 + OP_TIME = 8 + OP_COOKIE = 9 + + # support nginx variables that are less customizable than our own + ALIASES = { + '$request_time' => '$request_time{3}', + '$time_local' => '$time_local{%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z}', + '$msec' => '$time{3}', + '$usec' => '$time{6}', + } + + SPECIAL_VARS = { + :body_bytes_sent => 0, + :status => 1, + :request => 2, # REQUEST_METHOD PATH_INFO?QUERY_STRING HTTP_VERSION + :request_length => 3, # env['rack.input'].size + :response_length => 4, # like body_bytes_sent, except "-" instead of "0" + :ip => 5, # HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR || REMOTE_ADDR || - + :pid => 6, # getpid() + } + +private + + CGI_ENV ='\A\$(' << + %w(remote_addr remote_ident remote_user + path_info query_string script_name + server_name server_port).join('|') << ')\z').freeze + + SCAN = /([^$]*)(\$+(?:env\{\w+(?:\.[\w\.]+)?\}| + e\{[^\}]+\}| + (?:request_)?time\{\d+\}| + time_(?:utc|local)\{[^\}]+\}| + \w*))?([^$]*)/x + + def compile_format(str) + rv = [] + str.scan(SCAN).each do |pre,tok,post| + rv << [ OP_LITERAL, pre ] if pre && pre != "" + + unless tok.nil? + if tok.sub!(/\A(\$+)\$/, '$') + rv << [ OP_LITERAL, $1.dup ] + end + + compat = ALIASES[tok] and tok = compat + + case tok + when /\A(\$*)\z/ + rv << [ OP_LITERAL, $1.dup ] + when /\A\$env\{(\w+(?:\.[\w\.]+))\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_REQUEST, $1.freeze ] + when /\A\$e\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_EVAL, $1.dup ] + when /\A\$cookie_(\w+)\z/ + rv << [ OP_COOKIE, $1.dup.freeze ] + when CGI_ENV, /\A\$(http_\w+)\z/ + rv << [ OP_REQUEST, $1.upcase.freeze ] + when /\A\$sent_http_(\w+)\z/ + rv << [ OP_RESPONSE, $'_','-').freeze ] + when /\A\$time_local\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_TIME_LOCAL, $1.dup ] + when /\A\$time_utc\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_TIME_UTC, $1.dup ] + when /\A\$time\{(\d+)\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_TIME, *usec_conv_pair(tok, $1.to_i) ] + when /\A\$request_time\{(\d+)\}\z/ + rv << [ OP_REQUEST_TIME, *usec_conv_pair(tok, $1.to_i) ] + else + tok_sym = tok[1..-1].to_sym + if special_code = SPECIAL_VARS[tok_sym] + rv << [ OP_SPECIAL, special_code ] + else + raise ArgumentError, "unable to make sense of token: #{tok}" + end + end + end + + rv << [ OP_LITERAL, post ] if post && post != "" + end + + # auto-append a newline + last = rv.last or return rv + op = last.first + if (op == OP_LITERAL && /\n\z/ !~ last.last) || op != OP_LITERAL + rv << [ OP_LITERAL, "\n" ] + end + + rv + end + + def usec_conv_pair(tok, prec) + if prec == 0 + [ "%d", 1 ] # stupid... + elsif prec > 6 + raise ArgumentError, "#{tok}: too high precision: #{prec} (max=6)" + else + [ "%d.%0#{prec}d", 10 ** (6 - prec) ] + end + end + + def need_response_headers?(fmt_ops) + fmt_ops.any? { |op| OP_RESPONSE == op[0] } + end + + def need_wrap_body?(fmt_ops) + fmt_ops.any? do |op| + (OP_REQUEST_TIME == op[0]) || (OP_SPECIAL == op[0] && + (SPECIAL_VARS[:body_bytes_sent] == op[1] || + SPECIAL_VARS[:response_length] == op[1])) + end + end + +end + +require 'clogger/format' + +begin + require 'clogger_ext' +rescue LoadError + require 'clogger/pure' +end diff --git a/lib/clogger/format.rb b/lib/clogger/format.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e4f59f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/clogger/format.rb @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# -*- encoding: binary -*- + +class Clogger + + # predefined log formats in wide use + module Format + # common log format used by Apache: + # + Common = "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] " \ + '"$request" $status $response_length'.freeze + + # combined log format used by Apache: + # + Combined = %Q|#{Common} "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"|.freeze + + # combined log format used by nginx: + # + NginxCombined = Combined.gsub(/response_length/, 'body_bytes_sent').freeze + + # log format used by Rack 1.0 + Rack_1_0 = "$ip - $remote_user [$time_local{%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S}] " \ + '"$request" $status $response_length $request_time{4}'.freeze + end + +end diff --git a/lib/clogger/pure.rb b/lib/clogger/pure.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11c03f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/clogger/pure.rb @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# -*- encoding: binary -*- +# :stopdoc: +# +# Not at all optimized for performance, this was written based on +# the original C extension code so it's not very Ruby-ish... +class Clogger + + def initialize(app, opts = {}) + @app = app + @logger = opts[:logger] + @fmt_ops = compile_format(opts[:format] || Format::Common) + @wrap_body = need_wrap_body?(@fmt_ops) + @reentrant = nil + @body_bytes_sent = 0 + end + + def call(env) + @start = + status, headers, body = + if wrap_body? + @reentrant = env['rack.multithread'] + @env, @status, @headers, @body = env, status, headers, body + return [ status, headers, reentrant? ? self.dup : self ] + end + log(env, status, headers) + [ status, headers, body ] + end + + def each + @body_bytes_sent = 0 + @body.each do |part| + @body_bytes_sent += part.size + yield part + end + ensure + log(@env, @status, @headers) + end + + def close + @body.close + end + + def reentrant? + @reentrant + end + + def wrap_body? + @wrap_body + end + + def fileno + @logger.fileno rescue nil + end + +private + + def byte_xs(s) + s = s.dup + s.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if defined?(Encoding::BINARY) + s.gsub!(/(['"\x00-\x1f])/) { |x| "\\x#{$1.unpack('H2').first}" } + s + end + + SPECIAL_RMAP = SPECIAL_VARS.inject([]) { |ary, (k,v)| ary[v] = k; ary } + + def special_var(special_nr, env, status, headers) + case SPECIAL_RMAP[special_nr] + when :body_bytes_sent + @body_bytes_sent.to_s + when :status + status = status.to_i + status >= 100 && status <= 999 ? ('%03d' % status) : '-' + when :request + qs = env['QUERY_STRING'] + qs.empty? or qs = "?#{byte_xs(qs)}" + "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} " \ + "#{byte_xs(env['PATH_INFO'])}#{qs} " \ + "#{byte_xs(env['HTTP_VERSION'])}" + when :request_length + env['rack.input'].size.to_s + when :response_length + @body_bytes_sent == 0 ? '-' : @body_bytes_sent.to_s + when :ip + xff = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] and return byte_xs(xff) + env['REMOTE_ADDR'] || '-' + when :pid + $$.to_s + else + raise "EDOOFUS #{special_nr}" + end + end + + def time_format(sec, usec, format, div) + format % [ sec, usec / div ] + end + + def log(env, status, headers) + (@logger || env['rack.errors']) << { |op| + case op[0] + when OP_LITERAL; op[1] + when OP_REQUEST; byte_xs(env[op[1]] || "-") + when OP_RESPONSE; byte_xs(get_sent_header(headers, op[1])) + when OP_SPECIAL; special_var(op[1], env, status, headers) + when OP_EVAL; eval(op[1]).to_s rescue "-" + when OP_TIME_LOCAL;[1]) + when OP_TIME_UTC;[1]) + when OP_REQUEST_TIME + t = - @start + time_format(t.to_i, (t - t.to_i) * 1000000, op[1], op[2]) + when OP_TIME + t = + time_format(t.sec, t.usec, op[1], op[2]) + when OP_COOKIE + (env['rack.request.cookie_hash'][op[1]] rescue "-") || "-" + else + raise "EDOOFUS #{op.inspect}" + end + }.join('') + end + + def get_sent_header(headers, match) + headers.each { |key, value| match == key.downcase and return value } + "-" + end + +end diff --git a/setup.rb b/setup.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f0c826 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup.rb @@ -0,0 +1,1585 @@ +# +# setup.rb +# +# Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki +# +# This program is free software. +# You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of +# the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. +# + +unless Enumerable.method_defined?(:map) # Ruby 1.4.6 + module Enumerable + alias map collect + end +end + +unless File.respond_to?(:read) # Ruby 1.6 + def + open(fname) {|f| + return + } + end +end + +unless Errno.const_defined?(:ENOTEMPTY) # Windows? + module Errno + class ENOTEMPTY + # We do not raise this exception, implementation is not needed. + end + end +end + +def File.binread(fname) + open(fname, 'rb') {|f| + return + } +end + +# for corrupted Windows' stat(2) +def File.dir?(path) +[-1,1] == '/') ? path : path + '/') +end + + +class ConfigTable + + include Enumerable + + def initialize(rbconfig) + @rbconfig = rbconfig + @items = [] + @table = {} + # options + @install_prefix = nil + @config_opt = nil + @verbose = true + @no_harm = false + end + + attr_accessor :install_prefix + attr_accessor :config_opt + + attr_writer :verbose + + def verbose? + @verbose + end + + attr_writer :no_harm + + def no_harm? + @no_harm + end + + def [](key) + lookup(key).resolve(self) + end + + def []=(key, val) + lookup(key).set val + end + + def names + {|i| } + end + + def each(&block) + @items.each(&block) + end + + def key?(name) + @table.key?(name) + end + + def lookup(name) + @table[name] or setup_rb_error "no such config item: #{name}" + end + + def add(item) + @items.push item + @table[] = item + end + + def remove(name) + item = lookup(name) + @items.delete_if {|i| == name } + @table.delete_if {|name, i| == name } + item + end + + def load_script(path, inst = nil) + if File.file?(path) +, inst).instance_eval, path + end + end + + def savefile + '.config' + end + + def load_savefile + begin + File.foreach(savefile()) do |line| + k, v = *line.split(/=/, 2) + self[k] = v.strip + end + rescue Errno::ENOENT + setup_rb_error $!.message + "\n#{File.basename($0)} config first" + end + end + + def save + @items.each {|i| i.value } +, 'w') {|f| + @items.each do |i| + f.printf "%s=%s\n",, i.value if i.value? and i.value + end + } + end + + def load_standard_entries + standard_entries(@rbconfig).each do |ent| + add ent + end + end + + def standard_entries(rbconfig) + c = rbconfig + + rubypath = File.join(c['bindir'], c['ruby_install_name'] + c['EXEEXT']) + + major = c['MAJOR'].to_i + minor = c['MINOR'].to_i + teeny = c['TEENY'].to_i + version = "#{major}.#{minor}" + + # ruby ver. >= 1.4.4? + newpath_p = ((major >= 2) or + ((major == 1) and + ((minor >= 5) or + ((minor == 4) and (teeny >= 4))))) + + if c['rubylibdir'] + # V > 1.6.3 + libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby" + librubyver = c['rubylibdir'] + librubyverarch = c['archdir'] + siteruby = c['sitedir'] + siterubyver = c['sitelibdir'] + siterubyverarch = c['sitearchdir'] + elsif newpath_p + # 1.4.4 <= V <= 1.6.3 + libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby" + librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}" + librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}" + siteruby = c['sitedir'] + siterubyver = "$siteruby/#{version}" + siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}" + else + # V < 1.4.4 + libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby" + librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}" + librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}" + siteruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/site_ruby" + siterubyver = siteruby + siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}" + end + parameterize = lambda {|path| + path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.quote(c['prefix'])}/, '$prefix') + } + + if arg = c['configure_args'].split.detect {|arg| /--with-make-prog=/ =~ arg } + makeprog = arg.sub(/'/, '').split(/=/, 2)[1] + else + makeprog = 'make' + end + + [ +'installdirs', 'std/site/home', + 'std: install under libruby; site: install under site_ruby; home: install under $HOME')\ + {|val, table| + case val + when 'std' + table['rbdir'] = '$librubyver' + table['sodir'] = '$librubyverarch' + when 'site' + table['rbdir'] = '$siterubyver' + table['sodir'] = '$siterubyverarch' + when 'home' + setup_rb_error '$HOME was not set' unless ENV['HOME'] + table['prefix'] = ENV['HOME'] + table['rbdir'] = '$libdir/ruby' + table['sodir'] = '$libdir/ruby' + end + }, +'prefix', 'path', c['prefix'], + 'path prefix of target environment'), +'bindir', 'path',['bindir']), + 'the directory for commands'), +'libdir', 'path',['libdir']), + 'the directory for libraries'), +'datadir', 'path',['datadir']), + 'the directory for shared data'), +'mandir', 'path',['mandir']), + 'the directory for man pages'), +'sysconfdir', 'path',['sysconfdir']), + 'the directory for system configuration files'), +'localstatedir', 'path',['localstatedir']), + 'the directory for local state data'), +'libruby', 'path', libruby, + 'the directory for ruby libraries'), +'librubyver', 'path', librubyver, + 'the directory for standard ruby libraries'), +'librubyverarch', 'path', librubyverarch, + 'the directory for standard ruby extensions'), +'siteruby', 'path', siteruby, + 'the directory for version-independent aux ruby libraries'), +'siterubyver', 'path', siterubyver, + 'the directory for aux ruby libraries'), +'siterubyverarch', 'path', siterubyverarch, + 'the directory for aux ruby binaries'), +'rbdir', 'path', '$siterubyver', + 'the directory for ruby scripts'), +'sodir', 'path', '$siterubyverarch', + 'the directory for ruby extentions'), +'rubypath', 'path', rubypath, + 'the path to set to #! line'), +'rubyprog', 'name', rubypath, + 'the ruby program using for installation'), +'makeprog', 'name', makeprog, + 'the make program to compile ruby extentions'), +'shebang', 'all/ruby/never', 'ruby', + 'shebang line (#!) editing mode'), +'without-ext', 'yes/no', 'no', + 'does not compile/install ruby extentions') + ] + end + private :standard_entries + + def load_multipackage_entries + multipackage_entries().each do |ent| + add ent + end + end + + def multipackage_entries + [ +'with', 'name,name...', '', 'ALL', + 'package names that you want to install'), +'without', 'name,name...', '', 'NONE', + 'package names that you do not want to install') + ] + end + private :multipackage_entries + + ALIASES = { + 'std-ruby' => 'librubyver', + 'stdruby' => 'librubyver', + 'rubylibdir' => 'librubyver', + 'archdir' => 'librubyverarch', + 'site-ruby-common' => 'siteruby', # For backward compatibility + 'site-ruby' => 'siterubyver', # For backward compatibility + 'bin-dir' => 'bindir', + 'bin-dir' => 'bindir', + 'rb-dir' => 'rbdir', + 'so-dir' => 'sodir', + 'data-dir' => 'datadir', + 'ruby-path' => 'rubypath', + 'ruby-prog' => 'rubyprog', + 'ruby' => 'rubyprog', + 'make-prog' => 'makeprog', + 'make' => 'makeprog' + } + + def fixup + ALIASES.each do |ali, name| + @table[ali] = @table[name] + end + @items.freeze + @table.freeze + @options_re = /\A--(#{@table.keys.join('|')})(?:=(.*))?\z/ + end + + def parse_opt(opt) + m = @options_re.match(opt) or setup_rb_error "config: unknown option #{opt}" + m.to_a[1,2] + end + + def dllext + @rbconfig['DLEXT'] + end + + def value_config?(name) + lookup(name).value? + end + + class Item + def initialize(name, template, default, desc) + @name = name.freeze + @template = template + @value = default + @default = default + @description = desc + end + + attr_reader :name + attr_reader :description + + attr_accessor :default + alias help_default default + + def help_opt + "--#{@name}=#{@template}" + end + + def value? + true + end + + def value + @value + end + + def resolve(table) + @value.gsub(%r<\$([^/]+)>) { table[$1] } + end + + def set(val) + @value = check(val) + end + + private + + def check(val) + setup_rb_error "config: --#{name} requires argument" unless val + val + end + end + + class BoolItem < Item + def config_type + 'bool' + end + + def help_opt + "--#{@name}" + end + + private + + def check(val) + return 'yes' unless val + case val + when /\Ay(es)?\z/i, /\At(rue)?\z/i then 'yes' + when /\An(o)?\z/i, /\Af(alse)\z/i then 'no' + else + setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} accepts only yes/no for argument" + end + end + end + + class PathItem < Item + def config_type + 'path' + end + + private + + def check(path) + setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} requires argument" unless path + path[0,1] == '$' ? path : File.expand_path(path) + end + end + + class ProgramItem < Item + def config_type + 'program' + end + end + + class SelectItem < Item + def initialize(name, selection, default, desc) + super + @ok = selection.split('/') + end + + def config_type + 'select' + end + + private + + def check(val) + unless @ok.include?(val.strip) + setup_rb_error "config: use --#{@name}=#{@template} (#{val})" + end + val.strip + end + end + + class ExecItem < Item + def initialize(name, selection, desc, &block) + super name, selection, nil, desc + @ok = selection.split('/') + @action = block + end + + def config_type + 'exec' + end + + def value? + false + end + + def resolve(table) + setup_rb_error "$#{name()} wrongly used as option value" + end + + undef set + + def evaluate(val, table) + v = val.strip.downcase + unless @ok.include?(v) + setup_rb_error "invalid option --#{@name}=#{val} (use #{@template})" + end + v, table + end + end + + class PackageSelectionItem < Item + def initialize(name, template, default, help_default, desc) + super name, template, default, desc + @help_default = help_default + end + + attr_reader :help_default + + def config_type + 'package' + end + + private + + def check(val) + unless File.dir?("packages/#{val}") + setup_rb_error "config: no such package: #{val}" + end + val + end + end + + class MetaConfigEnvironment + def initialize(config, installer) + @config = config + @installer = installer + end + + def config_names + @config.names + end + + def config?(name) + @config.key?(name) + end + + def bool_config?(name) + @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'bool' + end + + def path_config?(name) + @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'path' + end + + def value_config?(name) + @config.lookup(name).config_type != 'exec' + end + + def add_config(item) + @config.add item + end + + def add_bool_config(name, default, desc) + @config.add, 'yes/no', default ? 'yes' : 'no', desc) + end + + def add_path_config(name, default, desc) + @config.add, 'path', default, desc) + end + + def set_config_default(name, default) + @config.lookup(name).default = default + end + + def remove_config(name) + @config.remove(name) + end + + # For only multipackage + def packages + raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer + @installer.packages + end + + # For only multipackage + def declare_packages(list) + raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API declare_packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer + @installer.packages = list + end + end + +end # class ConfigTable + + +# This module requires: #verbose?, #no_harm? +module FileOperations + + def mkdir_p(dirname, prefix = nil) + dirname = prefix + File.expand_path(dirname) if prefix + $stderr.puts "mkdir -p #{dirname}" if verbose? + return if no_harm? + + # Does not check '/', it's too abnormal. + dirs = File.expand_path(dirname).split(%r<(?=/)>) + if /\A[a-z]:\z/i =~ dirs[0] + disk = dirs.shift + dirs[0] = disk + dirs[0] + end + dirs.each_index do |idx| + path = dirs[0..idx].join('') + Dir.mkdir path unless File.dir?(path) + end + end + + def rm_f(path) + $stderr.puts "rm -f #{path}" if verbose? + return if no_harm? + force_remove_file path + end + + def rm_rf(path) + $stderr.puts "rm -rf #{path}" if verbose? + return if no_harm? + remove_tree path + end + + def remove_tree(path) + if File.symlink?(path) + remove_file path + elsif File.dir?(path) + remove_tree0 path + else + force_remove_file path + end + end + + def remove_tree0(path) + Dir.foreach(path) do |ent| + next if ent == '.' + next if ent == '..' + entpath = "#{path}/#{ent}" + if File.symlink?(entpath) + remove_file entpath + elsif File.dir?(entpath) + remove_tree0 entpath + else + force_remove_file entpath + end + end + begin + Dir.rmdir path + rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY + # directory may not be empty + end + end + + def move_file(src, dest) + force_remove_file dest + begin + File.rename src, dest + rescue +, 'wb') {|f| + f.write File.binread(src) + } + File.chmod File.stat(src).mode, dest + File.unlink src + end + end + + def force_remove_file(path) + begin + remove_file path + rescue + end + end + + def remove_file(path) + File.chmod 0777, path + File.unlink path + end + + def install(from, dest, mode, prefix = nil) + $stderr.puts "install #{from} #{dest}" if verbose? + return if no_harm? + + realdest = prefix ? prefix + File.expand_path(dest) : dest + realdest = File.join(realdest, File.basename(from)) if File.dir?(realdest) + str = File.binread(from) + if diff?(str, realdest) + verbose_off { + rm_f realdest if File.exist?(realdest) + } +, 'wb') {|f| + f.write str + } + File.chmod mode, realdest + +"#{objdir_root()}/InstalledFiles", 'a') {|f| + if prefix + f.puts realdest.sub(prefix, '') + else + f.puts realdest + end + } + end + end + + def diff?(new_content, path) + return true unless File.exist?(path) + new_content != File.binread(path) + end + + def command(*args) + $stderr.puts args.join(' ') if verbose? + system(*args) or raise RuntimeError, + "system(#{{|a| a.inspect }.join(' ')}) failed" + end + + def ruby(*args) + command config('rubyprog'), *args + end + + def make(task = nil) + command(*[config('makeprog'), task].compact) + end + + def extdir?(dir) + File.exist?("#{dir}/MANIFEST") or File.exist?("#{dir}/extconf.rb") + end + + def files_of(dir) + {|d| + return {|ent| File.file?("#{dir}/#{ent}") } + } + end + + DIR_REJECT = %w( . .. CVS SCCS RCS CVS.adm .svn ) + + def directories_of(dir) + {|d| + return {|ent| File.dir?("#{dir}/#{ent}") } - DIR_REJECT + } + end + +end + + +# This module requires: #srcdir_root, #objdir_root, #relpath +module HookScriptAPI + + def get_config(key) + @config[key] + end + + alias config get_config + + # obsolete: use metaconfig to change configuration + def set_config(key, val) + @config[key] = val + end + + # + # srcdir/objdir (works only in the package directory) + # + + def curr_srcdir + "#{srcdir_root()}/#{relpath()}" + end + + def curr_objdir + "#{objdir_root()}/#{relpath()}" + end + + def srcfile(path) + "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}" + end + + def srcexist?(path) + File.exist?(srcfile(path)) + end + + def srcdirectory?(path) + File.dir?(srcfile(path)) + end + + def srcfile?(path) + File.file?(srcfile(path)) + end + + def srcentries(path = '.') +"#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}") {|d| + return d.to_a - %w(. ..) + } + end + + def srcfiles(path = '.') + srcentries(path).select {|fname| + File.file?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname)) + } + end + + def srcdirectories(path = '.') + srcentries(path).select {|fname| + File.dir?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname)) + } + end + +end + + +class ToplevelInstaller + + Version = '3.4.1' + Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki' + + TASKS = [ + [ 'all', 'do config, setup, then install' ], + [ 'config', 'saves your configurations' ], + [ 'show', 'shows current configuration' ], + [ 'setup', 'compiles ruby extentions and others' ], + [ 'install', 'installs files' ], + [ 'test', 'run all tests in test/' ], + [ 'clean', "does `make clean' for each extention" ], + [ 'distclean',"does `make distclean' for each extention" ] + ] + + def ToplevelInstaller.invoke + config = + config.load_standard_entries + config.load_multipackage_entries if multipackage? + config.fixup + klass = (multipackage?() ? ToplevelInstallerMulti : ToplevelInstaller) +$0), config).invoke + end + + def ToplevelInstaller.multipackage? + File.dir?(File.dirname($0) + '/packages') + end + + def ToplevelInstaller.load_rbconfig + if arg = ARGV.detect {|arg| /\A--rbconfig=/ =~ arg } + ARGV.delete(arg) + load File.expand_path(arg.split(/=/, 2)[1]) + $".push 'rbconfig.rb' + else + require 'rbconfig' + end + ::Config::CONFIG + end + + def initialize(ardir_root, config) + @ardir = File.expand_path(ardir_root) + @config = config + # cache + @valid_task_re = nil + end + + def config(key) + @config[key] + end + + def inspect + "#<#{self.class} #{__id__()}>" + end + + def invoke + run_metaconfigs + case task = parsearg_global() + when nil, 'all' + parsearg_config + init_installers + exec_config + exec_setup + exec_install + else + case task + when 'config', 'test' + ; + when 'clean', 'distclean' + @config.load_savefile if File.exist?(@config.savefile) + else + @config.load_savefile + end + __send__ "parsearg_#{task}" + init_installers + __send__ "exec_#{task}" + end + end + + def run_metaconfigs + @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig" + end + + def init_installers + @installer =, @ardir, File.expand_path('.')) + end + + # + # Hook Script API bases + # + + def srcdir_root + @ardir + end + + def objdir_root + '.' + end + + def relpath + '.' + end + + # + # Option Parsing + # + + def parsearg_global + while arg = ARGV.shift + case arg + when /\A\w+\z/ + setup_rb_error "invalid task: #{arg}" unless valid_task?(arg) + return arg + when '-q', '--quiet' + @config.verbose = false + when '--verbose' + @config.verbose = true + when '--help' + print_usage $stdout + exit 0 + when '--version' + puts "#{File.basename($0)} version #{Version}" + exit 0 + when '--copyright' + puts Copyright + exit 0 + else + setup_rb_error "unknown global option '#{arg}'" + end + end + nil + end + + def valid_task?(t) + valid_task_re() =~ t + end + + def valid_task_re + @valid_task_re ||= /\A(?:#{ {|task,desc| task }.join('|')})\z/ + end + + def parsearg_no_options + unless ARGV.empty? + task = caller(0).first.slice(%r<`parsearg_(\w+)'>, 1) + setup_rb_error "#{task}: unknown options: #{ARGV.join(' ')}" + end + end + + alias parsearg_show parsearg_no_options + alias parsearg_setup parsearg_no_options + alias parsearg_test parsearg_no_options + alias parsearg_clean parsearg_no_options + alias parsearg_distclean parsearg_no_options + + def parsearg_config + evalopt = [] + set = [] + @config.config_opt = [] + while i = ARGV.shift + if /\A--?\z/ =~ i + @config.config_opt = ARGV.dup + break + end + name, value = *@config.parse_opt(i) + if @config.value_config?(name) + @config[name] = value + else + evalopt.push [name, value] + end + set.push name + end + evalopt.each do |name, value| + @config.lookup(name).evaluate value, @config + end + # Check if configuration is valid + set.each do |n| + @config[n] if @config.value_config?(n) + end + end + + def parsearg_install + @config.no_harm = false + @config.install_prefix = '' + while a = ARGV.shift + case a + when '--no-harm' + @config.no_harm = true + when /\A--prefix=/ + path = a.split(/=/, 2)[1] + path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0,1] == '/' + @config.install_prefix = path + else + setup_rb_error "install: unknown option #{a}" + end + end + end + + def print_usage(out) + out.puts 'Typical Installation Procedure:' + out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} config" + out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} setup" + out.puts " # ruby #{File.basename $0} install (may require root privilege)" + out.puts + out.puts 'Detailed Usage:' + out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} " + out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} [] []" + + fmt = " %-24s %s\n" + out.puts + out.puts 'Global options:' + out.printf fmt, '-q,--quiet', 'suppress message outputs' + out.printf fmt, ' --verbose', 'output messages verbosely' + out.printf fmt, ' --help', 'print this message' + out.printf fmt, ' --version', 'print version and quit' + out.printf fmt, ' --copyright', 'print copyright and quit' + out.puts + out.puts 'Tasks:' + TASKS.each do |name, desc| + out.printf fmt, name, desc + end + + fmt = " %-24s %s [%s]\n" + out.puts + out.puts 'Options for CONFIG or ALL:' + @config.each do |item| + out.printf fmt, item.help_opt, item.description, item.help_default + end + out.printf fmt, '--rbconfig=path', 'rbconfig.rb to load',"running ruby's" + out.puts + out.puts 'Options for INSTALL:' + out.printf fmt, '--no-harm', 'only display what to do if given', 'off' + out.printf fmt, '--prefix=path', 'install path prefix', '' + out.puts + end + + # + # Task Handlers + # + + def exec_config + @installer.exec_config + # must be final + end + + def exec_setup + @installer.exec_setup + end + + def exec_install + @installer.exec_install + end + + def exec_test + @installer.exec_test + end + + def exec_show + @config.each do |i| + printf "%-20s %s\n",, i.value if i.value? + end + end + + def exec_clean + @installer.exec_clean + end + + def exec_distclean + @installer.exec_distclean + end + +end # class ToplevelInstaller + + +class ToplevelInstallerMulti < ToplevelInstaller + + include FileOperations + + def initialize(ardir_root, config) + super + @packages = directories_of("#{@ardir}/packages") + raise 'no package exists' if @packages.empty? + @root_installer =, @ardir, File.expand_path('.')) + end + + def run_metaconfigs + @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig", self + @packages.each do |name| + @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}/metaconfig" + end + end + + attr_reader :packages + + def packages=(list) + raise 'package list is empty' if list.empty? + list.each do |name| + raise "directory packages/#{name} does not exist"\ + unless File.dir?("#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}") + end + @packages = list + end + + def init_installers + @installers = {} + @packages.each do |pack| + @installers[pack] =, + "#{@ardir}/packages/#{pack}", + "packages/#{pack}") + end + with = extract_selection(config('with')) + without = extract_selection(config('without')) + @selected = {|name| + (with.empty? or with.include?(name)) \ + and not without.include?(name) + } + end + + def extract_selection(list) + a = list.split(/,/) + a.each do |name| + setup_rb_error "no such package: #{name}" unless @installers.key?(name) + end + a + end + + def print_usage(f) + super + f.puts 'Inluded packages:' + f.puts ' ' + @packages.sort.join(' ') + f.puts + end + + # + # Task Handlers + # + + def exec_config + run_hook 'pre-config' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_config } + run_hook 'post-config' + # must be final + end + + def exec_setup + run_hook 'pre-setup' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_setup } + run_hook 'post-setup' + end + + def exec_install + run_hook 'pre-install' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_install } + run_hook 'post-install' + end + + def exec_test + run_hook 'pre-test' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_test } + run_hook 'post-test' + end + + def exec_clean + rm_f @config.savefile + run_hook 'pre-clean' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_clean } + run_hook 'post-clean' + end + + def exec_distclean + rm_f @config.savefile + run_hook 'pre-distclean' + each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_distclean } + run_hook 'post-distclean' + end + + # + # lib + # + + def each_selected_installers + Dir.mkdir 'packages' unless File.dir?('packages') + @selected.each do |pack| + $stderr.puts "Processing the package `#{pack}' ..." if verbose? + Dir.mkdir "packages/#{pack}" unless File.dir?("packages/#{pack}") + Dir.chdir "packages/#{pack}" + yield @installers[pack] + Dir.chdir '../..' + end + end + + def run_hook(id) + @root_installer.run_hook id + end + + # module FileOperations requires this + def verbose? + @config.verbose? + end + + # module FileOperations requires this + def no_harm? + @config.no_harm? + end + +end # class ToplevelInstallerMulti + + +class Installer + + FILETYPES = %w( bin lib ext data conf man ) + + include FileOperations + include HookScriptAPI + + def initialize(config, srcroot, objroot) + @config = config + @srcdir = File.expand_path(srcroot) + @objdir = File.expand_path(objroot) + @currdir = '.' + end + + def inspect + "#<#{self.class} #{File.basename(@srcdir)}>" + end + + def noop(rel) + end + + # + # Hook Script API base methods + # + + def srcdir_root + @srcdir + end + + def objdir_root + @objdir + end + + def relpath + @currdir + end + + # + # Config Access + # + + # module FileOperations requires this + def verbose? + @config.verbose? + end + + # module FileOperations requires this + def no_harm? + @config.no_harm? + end + + def verbose_off + begin + save, @config.verbose = @config.verbose?, false + yield + ensure + @config.verbose = save + end + end + + # + # TASK config + # + + def exec_config + exec_task_traverse 'config' + end + + alias config_dir_bin noop + alias config_dir_lib noop + + def config_dir_ext(rel) + extconf if extdir?(curr_srcdir()) + end + + alias config_dir_data noop + alias config_dir_conf noop + alias config_dir_man noop + + def extconf + ruby "#{curr_srcdir()}/extconf.rb", *@config.config_opt + end + + # + # TASK setup + # + + def exec_setup + exec_task_traverse 'setup' + end + + def setup_dir_bin(rel) + files_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |fname| + update_shebang_line "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{fname}" + end + end + + alias setup_dir_lib noop + + def setup_dir_ext(rel) + make if extdir?(curr_srcdir()) + end + + alias setup_dir_data noop + alias setup_dir_conf noop + alias setup_dir_man noop + + def update_shebang_line(path) + return if no_harm? + return if config('shebang') == 'never' + old = Shebang.load(path) + if old + $stderr.puts "warning: #{path}: Shebang line includes too many args. It is not portable and your program may not work." if old.args.size > 1 + new = new_shebang(old) + return if new.to_s == old.to_s + else + return unless config('shebang') == 'all' + new ='rubypath')) + end + $stderr.puts "updating shebang: #{File.basename(path)}" if verbose? + open_atomic_writer(path) {|output| +, 'rb') {|f| + f.gets if old # discard + output.puts new.to_s + output.print + } + } + end + + def new_shebang(old) + if /\Aruby/ =~ File.basename(old.cmd) +'rubypath'), old.args) + elsif File.basename(old.cmd) == 'env' and old.args.first == 'ruby' +'rubypath'), old.args[1..-1]) + else + return old unless config('shebang') == 'all' +'rubypath')) + end + end + + def open_atomic_writer(path, &block) + tmpfile = File.basename(path) + '.tmp' + begin +, 'wb', &block) + File.rename tmpfile, File.basename(path) + ensure + File.unlink tmpfile if File.exist?(tmpfile) + end + end + + class Shebang + def Shebang.load(path) + line = nil + {|f| + line = f.gets + } + return nil unless /\A#!/ =~ line + parse(line) + end + + def Shebang.parse(line) + cmd, *args = *line.strip.sub(/\A\#!/, '').split(' ') + new(cmd, args) + end + + def initialize(cmd, args = []) + @cmd = cmd + @args = args + end + + attr_reader :cmd + attr_reader :args + + def to_s + "#! #{@cmd}" + (@args.empty? ? '' : " #{@args.join(' ')}") + end + end + + # + # TASK install + # + + def exec_install + rm_f 'InstalledFiles' + exec_task_traverse 'install' + end + + def install_dir_bin(rel) + install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('bindir')}/#{rel}", 0755 + end + + def install_dir_lib(rel) + install_files libfiles(), "#{config('rbdir')}/#{rel}", 0644 + end + + def install_dir_ext(rel) + return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir()) + install_files rubyextentions('.'), + "#{config('sodir')}/#{File.dirname(rel)}", + 0555 + end + + def install_dir_data(rel) + install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('datadir')}/#{rel}", 0644 + end + + def install_dir_conf(rel) + # FIXME: should not remove current config files + # (rename previous file to .old/.org) + install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('sysconfdir')}/#{rel}", 0644 + end + + def install_dir_man(rel) + install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('mandir')}/#{rel}", 0644 + end + + def install_files(list, dest, mode) + mkdir_p dest, @config.install_prefix + list.each do |fname| + install fname, dest, mode, @config.install_prefix + end + end + + def libfiles + glob_reject(%w(*.y *.output), targetfiles()) + end + + def rubyextentions(dir) + ents = glob_select("*.#{@config.dllext}", targetfiles()) + if ents.empty? + setup_rb_error "no ruby extention exists: 'ruby #{$0} setup' first" + end + ents + end + + def targetfiles + mapdir(existfiles() - hookfiles()) + end + + def mapdir(ents) + {|ent| + if File.exist?(ent) + then ent # objdir + else "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{ent}" # srcdir + end + } + end + + # picked up many entries from cvs-1.11.1/src/ignore.c + JUNK_FILES = %w( + core RCSLOG tags TAGS .make.state + .nse_depinfo #* .#* cvslog.* ,* .del-* *.olb + *~ *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej _$* *$ + + *.org *.in .* + ) + + def existfiles + glob_reject(JUNK_FILES, (files_of(curr_srcdir()) | files_of('.'))) + end + + def hookfiles + %w( pre-%s post-%s pre-%s.rb post-%s.rb ).map {|fmt| + %w( config setup install clean ).map {|t| sprintf(fmt, t) } + }.flatten + end + + def glob_select(pat, ents) + re = globs2re([pat]) + {|ent| re =~ ent } + end + + def glob_reject(pats, ents) + re = globs2re(pats) + ents.reject {|ent| re =~ ent } + end + + GLOB2REGEX = { + '.' => '\.', + '$' => '\$', + '#' => '\#', + '*' => '.*' + } + + def globs2re(pats) + /\A(?:#{ + {|pat| pat.gsub(/[\.\$\#\*]/) {|ch| GLOB2REGEX[ch] } }.join('|') + })\z/ + end + + # + # TASK test + # + + TESTDIR = 'test' + + def exec_test + unless'test') + $stderr.puts 'no test in this package' if verbose? + return + end + $stderr.puts 'Running tests...' if verbose? + begin + require 'test/unit' + rescue LoadError + setup_rb_error 'test/unit cannot loaded. You need Ruby 1.8 or later to invoke this task.' + end + runner = + runner.to_run << TESTDIR + + end + + # + # TASK clean + # + + def exec_clean + exec_task_traverse 'clean' + rm_f @config.savefile + rm_f 'InstalledFiles' + end + + alias clean_dir_bin noop + alias clean_dir_lib noop + alias clean_dir_data noop + alias clean_dir_conf noop + alias clean_dir_man noop + + def clean_dir_ext(rel) + return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir()) + make 'clean' if File.file?('Makefile') + end + + # + # TASK distclean + # + + def exec_distclean + exec_task_traverse 'distclean' + rm_f @config.savefile + rm_f 'InstalledFiles' + end + + alias distclean_dir_bin noop + alias distclean_dir_lib noop + + def distclean_dir_ext(rel) + return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir()) + make 'distclean' if File.file?('Makefile') + end + + alias distclean_dir_data noop + alias distclean_dir_conf noop + alias distclean_dir_man noop + + # + # Traversing + # + + def exec_task_traverse(task) + run_hook "pre-#{task}" + FILETYPES.each do |type| + if type == 'ext' and config('without-ext') == 'yes' + $stderr.puts 'skipping ext/* by user option' if verbose? + next + end + traverse task, type, "#{task}_dir_#{type}" + end + run_hook "post-#{task}" + end + + def traverse(task, rel, mid) + dive_into(rel) { + run_hook "pre-#{task}" + __send__ mid, rel.sub(%r[\A.*?(?:/|\z)], '') + directories_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |d| + traverse task, "#{rel}/#{d}", mid + end + run_hook "post-#{task}" + } + end + + def dive_into(rel) + return unless File.dir?("#{@srcdir}/#{rel}") + + dir = File.basename(rel) + Dir.mkdir dir unless File.dir?(dir) + prevdir = Dir.pwd + Dir.chdir dir + $stderr.puts '---> ' + rel if verbose? + @currdir = rel + yield + Dir.chdir prevdir + $stderr.puts '<--- ' + rel if verbose? + @currdir = File.dirname(rel) + end + + def run_hook(id) + path = [ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}", + "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}.rb" ].detect {|cand| File.file?(cand) } + return unless path + begin + instance_eval, path, 1 + rescue + raise if $DEBUG + setup_rb_error "hook #{path} failed:\n" + $!.message + end + end + +end # class Installer + + +class SetupError < StandardError; end + +def setup_rb_error(msg) + raise SetupError, msg +end + +if $0 == __FILE__ + begin + ToplevelInstaller.invoke + rescue SetupError + raise if $DEBUG + $stderr.puts $!.message + $stderr.puts "Try 'ruby #{$0} --help' for detailed usage." + exit 1 + end +end diff --git a/test/test_clogger.rb b/test/test_clogger.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f79017b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test_clogger.rb @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ +# -*- encoding: binary -*- +$stderr.sync = $stdout.sync = true +require "test/unit" +require "date" +require "stringio" + +require "rack" + +require "clogger" +class TestClogger < Test::Unit::TestCase + include Clogger::Format + + def setup + @req = { + "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", + "HTTP_VERSION" => "HTTP/1.0", + "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => 'echo and socat \o/', + "PATH_INFO" => "/hello", + "QUERY_STRING" => "goodbye=true", + "rack.errors" => $stderr, + "rack.input" =>'/dev/null', 'rb'), + "REMOTE_ADDR" => 'home', + } + end + + def test_init_basic + { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }) + end + + def test_init_noargs + assert_raise(ArgumentError) { } + end + + def test_init_stderr + cl = { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }, :logger => $stderr) + assert_kind_of(Integer, cl.fileno) + assert_equal $stderr.fileno, cl.fileno + end + + def test_init_stringio + cl = { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }, :logger => + assert_nil cl.fileno + end + + def test_write_stringio + start = - 1 + str = + cl = { |env| [ "302 Found", {}, [] ] }, :logger => str) + status, headers, body = + assert_equal("302 Found", status) + assert_equal({}, headers) + body.each { |part| assert false } + str = str.string + r = %r{\Ahome - - \[[^\]]+\] "GET /hello\?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0" 302 -\n\z} + assert_match r, str + %r{\[([^\]]+)\]} =~ str + tmp = nil + assert_nothing_raised { + tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") + } + assert tmp >= start + assert tmp <= + end + + def test_clen_stringio + start = - 1 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 301, {'Content-Length' => '5'}, ['abcde'] ] } + format = Common.dup + assert format.gsub!(/response_length/, 'sent_http_content_length') + cl =, :logger => str, :format => format) + status, headers, body = + assert_equal(301, status) + assert_equal({'Content-Length' => '5'}, headers) + body.each { |part| assert_equal('abcde', part) } + str = str.string + r = %r{\Ahome - - \[[^\]]+\] "GET /hello\?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0" 301 5\n\z} + assert_match r, str + %r{\[([^\]]+)\]} =~ str + tmp = nil + assert_nothing_raised { + tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") + } + assert tmp >= start + assert tmp <= + end + + def test_compile_ambiguous + cl =, :logger => $stderr) + ary = nil + cl.instance_eval { + ary = compile_format( + '$remote_addr $$$$pid' \ + "\n") + } + expect = [ + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "$$$" ], + [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:pid] ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], + ] + assert_equal expect, ary + end + + def test_compile_auto_newline + cl =, :logger => $stderr) + ary = nil + cl.instance_eval { ary = compile_format('$remote_addr $request') } + expect = [ + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], + [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:request] ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], + ] + assert_equal expect, ary + end + + def test_big_log + str = + fmt = '$remote_addr $pid $remote_user [$time_local] ' \ + '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' \ + '"$http_user_agent" "$http_cookie" $request_time $http_host' + app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => fmt) + cookie = "foo=bar#{'f' * 256}".freeze + req = { + 'HTTP_HOST' => '', + 'HTTP_COOKIE' => cookie, + } + req = @req.merge(req) + { |part| part } + str = str.string + assert(str.size > 128) + assert_match %r["echo and socat \\o/" "#{cookie}" \d+\.\d{3}], str + assert_match %r["#{cookie}" \d+\.\d{3} example\.com:12345\n\z], str + end + + def test_compile + cl =, :logger => $stderr) + ary = nil + cl.instance_eval { + ary = compile_format( + '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' \ + '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' \ + '"$http_user_agent" "$http_cookie" $request_time ' \ + '$env{rack.url_scheme}' \ + "\n") + } + expect = [ + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " - " ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_USER" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " [" ], + [ Clogger::OP_TIME_LOCAL, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z' ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "] \"" ], + [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:request] ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" "], + [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:status] ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " "], + [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:body_bytes_sent] ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " \"" ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_REFERER" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" \"" ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" \"" ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_COOKIE" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" " ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST_TIME, '%d.%03d', 1000 ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], + [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "rack.url_scheme" ], + [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], + ] + assert_equal expect, ary + end + + def test_eval + current = Thread.current.to_s + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } + cl =, + :logger => str, + :format => "-$e{Thread.current}-\n") + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "-#{current}-\n", str.string + end + + def test_pid + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => "[$pid]\n") + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "[#$$]\n", str.string + end + + def test_rack_xff + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => "$ip") + req = @req.merge("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => '') + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "\n", str.string + str.rewind + str.truncate(0) + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "home\n", str.string + str.rewind + str.truncate(0) + end + + def test_rack_1_0 + start = - 1 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'0'}, %w(a b c)] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => Rack_1_0) + status, headers, body = + tmp = [] + body.each { |s| tmp << s } + assert_equal %w(a b c), tmp + str = str.string + assert_match %r[" 200 3 \d+\.\d{4}\n\z], str + tmp = nil + %r{\[(\d+/\w+/\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)\]} =~ str + assert $1 + assert_nothing_raised { tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S") } + assert tmp >= start + assert tmp <= + end + + def test_msec + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$msec') + status, header, bodies = + assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d{3}\n\z), str.string + end + + def test_usec + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$usec') + status, header, bodies = + assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d{6}\n\z), str.string + end + + def test_time_0 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$time{0}') + status, header, bodies = + assert_match %r(\A\d+\n\z), str.string + end + + def test_time_1 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$time{1}') + status, header, bodies = + assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d\n\z), str.string + end + + def test_request_length + str = + input ='.....') + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$request_length') + status, header, bodies ='rack.input' => input)) + assert_equal "5\n", str.string + end + + def test_response_length_0 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => '$response_length') + status, header, bodies = + bodies.each { |part| part } + assert_equal "-\n", str.string + end + + def test_combined + start = - 1 + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'3'}, %w(a b c)] } + cl =, :logger => str, :format => Combined) + status, headers, body = + tmp = [] + body.each { |s| tmp << s } + assert_equal %w(a b c), tmp + str = str.string + assert_match %r[" 200 3 "-" "echo and socat \\o/"\n\z], str + tmp = nil + %r{\[(\d+/\w+/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ .+)\]} =~ str + assert $1 + assert_nothing_raised { + tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") + } + assert tmp >= start + assert tmp <= + end + + def test_rack_errors_fallback + err = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'3'}, %w(a b c)] } + cl =, :format => '$pid') + req = @req.merge('rack.errors' => err) + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "#$$\n", err.string + end + + def test_body_close + s_body = b c).join("\n")) + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'5'}, s_body] } + cl =, :logger => [], :format => '$pid') + status, headers, body = + assert ! s_body.closed? + assert_nothing_raised { body.close } + assert s_body.closed? + end + + def test_escape + str = + app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'5'}, [] ] } + cl =, + :logger => str, + :format => '$http_user_agent "$request"') + bad = { + 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => '"asdf"', + 'QUERY_STRING' => 'sdf=bar"', + 'PATH_INFO' => '/"<>"', + } + status, headers, body = + expect = '\x22asdf\x22 "GET /\x22<>\x22?sdf=bar\x22 HTTP/1.0"' << "\n" + assert_equal expect, str.string + end + + def test_cookies + str = + app = lambda { |env| + req = + [ 302, {}, [] ] + } + cl =, + :format => '$cookie_foo $cookie_quux', + :logger => str) + req = @req.merge('HTTP_COOKIE' => "foo=bar;quux=h&m") + status, headers, body = + assert_equal "bar h&m\n", str.string + end +end -- cgit v1.2.3-24-ge0c7