begin require 'rake/extensiontask''clogger_ext') rescue LoadError warn "rake-compiler not available, cross compiling disabled" end cgit_url = "" git_url = 'git://' desc "post news article to rubyforge" task :publish_news do require 'rubyforge' spec = Gem::Specification.load('clogger.gemspec') tmp ='rf-news') _, subject, body = `git cat-file tag v#{spec.version}`.split(/\n\n/, 3) tmp.puts subject tmp.puts tmp.puts spec.description.strip tmp.puts "" tmp.puts "* #{spec.homepage}" tmp.puts "* #{}" tmp.puts "* #{git_url}" tmp.print "\nChanges:\n\n" tmp.puts body tmp.flush system(ENV["VISUAL"], tmp.path) or abort "#{ENV["VISUAL"]} failed: #$?" msg = File.readlines(tmp.path) subject = msg.shift blank = msg.shift blank == "\n" or abort "no newline after subject!" subject.strip! body = msg.join("").strip! rf = rf.login rf.post_news('clogger', subject, body) end desc "post to RAA" task :raa_update do require 'rubygems' require 'net/http' require 'net/netrc' rc = Net::Netrc.locate('clogger-raa') or abort "~/.netrc not found" password = rc.password s = Gem::Specification.load('clogger.gemspec') desc = [ s.description.strip ] desc << "" desc << "* #{}" desc << "* #{git_url}" desc << "* #{cgit_url}" desc = desc.join("\n") uri = URI.parse('') form = { :name =>, :short_description => s.summary, :version => s.version.to_s, :status => 'experimental', :owner => s.authors.first, :email =>, :category_major => 'Library', :category_minor => 'Rack', :url => s.homepage, :download => '', :license => 'LGPL', :description_style => 'Plain', :description => desc, :pass => password, :submit => 'Update', } res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, form) p res puts res.body end