begin require 'rake/extensiontask''clogger_ext') rescue LoadError warn "rake-compiler not available, cross compiling disabled" end desc 'prints RDoc-formatted history' task :history do tags = `git tag -l`.split(/\n/).grep(/^v/).reverse timefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC' tags.each do |tag| header, subject, body = `git cat-file tag #{tag}`.split(/\n\n/) tagger = header.split(/\n/).grep(/^tagger /).first.split(/\s/) time =[-2].to_i).utc puts "=== #{tag.sub(/^v/, '')} / #{time.strftime(timefmt)}" puts "" puts body puts "" end end desc "read news article from STDIN and post to rubyforge" task :publish_news do require 'rubyforge'[STDIN], nil, nil, 1) or abort "E: news must be read from stdin" msg = STDIN.readlines subject = msg.shift blank = msg.shift blank == "\n" or abort "no newline after subject!" subject.strip! body = msg.join("").strip! rf = rf.login rf.post_news('clogger', subject, body) end