# -*- encoding: binary -*- require 'rack' # See the README for usage instructions class Clogger # :stopdoc: OP_LITERAL = 0 OP_REQUEST = 1 OP_RESPONSE = 2 OP_SPECIAL = 3 OP_EVAL = 4 OP_TIME_LOCAL = 5 OP_TIME_UTC = 6 OP_REQUEST_TIME = 7 OP_TIME = 8 OP_COOKIE = 9 # support nginx variables that are less customizable than our own ALIASES = { '$request_time' => '$request_time{3}', '$time_local' => '$time_local{%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z}', '$time_utc' => '$time_utc{%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z}', '$msec' => '$time{3}', '$usec' => '$time{6}', '$http_content_length' => '$content_length', '$http_content_type' => '$content_type', } SPECIAL_VARS = { :body_bytes_sent => 0, :status => 1, :request => 2, # REQUEST_METHOD PATH_INFO?QUERY_STRING HTTP_VERSION :request_length => 3, # env['rack.input'].size :response_length => 4, # like body_bytes_sent, except "-" instead of "0" :ip => 5, # HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR || REMOTE_ADDR || - :pid => 6, # getpid() :request_uri => 7 } private CGI_ENV = Regexp.new('\A\$(' << %w(request_method content_length content_type remote_addr remote_ident remote_user path_info query_string script_name server_name server_port auth_type gateway_interface server_software path_translated ).join('|') << ')\z') SCAN = /([^$]*)(\$+(?:env\{\w+(?:\.[\w\.]+)?\}| e\{[^\}]+\}| (?:request_)?time\{\d+\}| time_(?:utc|local)\{[^\}]+\}| \w*))?([^$]*)/x def compile_format(str, opt = {}) str = Clogger::Format.const_get(str) if Symbol === str longest_day = Time.at(26265600) # "Saturday, November 01, 1970 00:00:00" rv = [] opt ||= {} str.scan(SCAN).each do |pre,tok,post| rv << [ OP_LITERAL, pre ] if pre && pre != "" unless tok.nil? if tok.sub!(/\A(\$+)\$/, '$') rv << [ OP_LITERAL, $1 ] end compat = ALIASES[tok] and tok = compat case tok when /\A(\$*)\z/ rv << [ OP_LITERAL, $1 ] when /\A\$env\{(\w+(?:\.[\w\.]+))\}\z/ rv << [ OP_REQUEST, $1 ] when /\A\$e\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ rv << [ OP_EVAL, $1 ] when /\A\$cookie_(\w+)\z/ rv << [ OP_COOKIE, $1 ] when CGI_ENV, /\A\$(http_\w+)\z/ rv << [ OP_REQUEST, $1.upcase ] when /\A\$sent_http_(\w+)\z/ rv << [ OP_RESPONSE, $1.downcase.tr('_','-') ] when /\A\$time_local\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ fmt = $1 rv << [ OP_TIME_LOCAL, fmt, longest_day.strftime(fmt) ] when /\A\$time_utc\{([^\}]+)\}\z/ fmt = $1 rv << [ OP_TIME_UTC, fmt, longest_day.strftime(fmt) ] when /\A\$time\{(\d+)\}\z/ rv << [ OP_TIME, *usec_conv_pair(tok, $1.to_i) ] when /\A\$request_time\{(\d+)\}\z/ rv << [ OP_REQUEST_TIME, *usec_conv_pair(tok, $1.to_i) ] else tok_sym = tok[1..-1].to_sym if special_code = SPECIAL_VARS[tok_sym] rv << [ OP_SPECIAL, special_code ] else raise ArgumentError, "unable to make sense of token: #{tok}" end end end rv << [ OP_LITERAL, post ] if post && post != "" end # auto-append a newline last = rv.last or return rv op = last.first ors = opt[:ORS] || "\n" if (op == OP_LITERAL && /#{ors}\z/ !~ last.last) || op != OP_LITERAL rv << [ OP_LITERAL, ors ] if ors.size > 0 end rv end def usec_conv_pair(tok, prec) if prec == 0 [ "%d", 1 ] # stupid... elsif prec > 6 raise ArgumentError, "#{tok}: too high precision: #{prec} (max=6)" else [ "%d.%0#{prec}d", 10 ** (6 - prec) ] end end def need_response_headers?(fmt_ops) fmt_ops.any? { |op| OP_RESPONSE == op[0] } end def need_wrap_body?(fmt_ops) fmt_ops.any? do |op| (OP_REQUEST_TIME == op[0]) || (OP_SPECIAL == op[0] && (SPECIAL_VARS[:body_bytes_sent] == op[1] || SPECIAL_VARS[:response_length] == op[1])) end end private def method_missing(*args, &block) body.__send__(*args, &block) end # :startdoc: end require 'clogger/format' begin raise LoadError if ENV['CLOGGER_PURE'].to_i != 0 require 'clogger_ext' rescue LoadError require 'clogger/pure' end