# ==> /etc/systemd/system/cmogstored@.service <== # systemd-style socket activation requires cmogstored 1.5.0 and later # Since SIGUSR2 upgrades do not work under systemd, this service file # allows starting two simultaneous services during upgrade time # (e.g. cmogstored@1 cmogstored@2) with the intention that they take # turns running in-between upgrades. This should allow upgrading # without downtime [Unit] Description = cmogstored storage server %i Wants = cmogstored.socket After = cmogstored.socket [Service] ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/cmogstored \ --httplisten= \ --mgmtlisten= \ --docroot=/var/mogdata Sockets = cmogstored.socket KillSignal = SIGQUIT User = mogstored Group = nogroup LimitNOFILE = 10000 # some clients are slow, give them time before SIGKILL TimeoutStopSec = 7200 [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target