fusedav.git  about / heads / tags
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d'
e38a671 listxattr: fix space calculation leading to assertion failure (2012-10-24)
	(HEAD -> master)
9753a63 filecache: parse large Content-Length properly (2012-10-21)
460c14e avoid mutex deadlock in stat_cache_get() (2012-10-20)
3bd2327 dav_mknod respects executable bit (2012-10-19)
c21f1d7 beef up man page a little (2006-10-02)
2278253 added manpage (2006-09-14)
c87fded note that we need SSL and thread-safe SSL support as well as LFS support in NEON (2006-09-06)
8c36bfc assorted build system updates (2006-04-02)
e33020e update docs for release 0.2 (2006-04-02)
8ca40f0 use neon's native thread safe SSL support (2006-04-02)
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  nocache      readdirplus: update to support mainstream API (2014-06-09)
  rdplus3      readdirplus: update to support mainstream API (2014-06-09)
  fuse3        readdir_plus => readdirplus (2013-07-23)
  readdir_plus Experimental readdir_plus support (2013-02-02)
  home         filecache: update server_length after server sync (2013-01-21)
  bugfix-only  setxattr: fix return values for errors (2012-12-26)
* master       listxattr: fix space calculation leading to assertion failure (2012-10-24)
  small-local-cache filecache: reduce cache footprint of read-only files (2012-10-23)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
# no tags, yet...

git clone https://yhbt.net/fusedav.git