git-svn.git  about / heads / tags
git-svn dev repo, rebased against Junio's git.git master
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' gitgui-0.10.1 --
729ffa50f7 git-gui: use +/- instead of ]/[ to show more/less context in diff (2008-04-05)
	(tag: gitgui-0.10.1)
ccb3b537cc git-gui: Update french translation (2008-04-04)
54906addfa git-gui: Switch keybindings for [ and ] to bracketleft and bracketright (2008-04-03)
3d654be48f git-gui 0.10 (2008-04-02)
	(tag: gitgui-0.10.0)
c91ee2bd61 git-gui: Add shortcut keys for Show More/Less Context (2008-04-02)
739a6d4970 git-gui: Improve directions regarding POT update in po/README (2008-03-16)
477ef326a3 git-gui: Update Japanese translation (2008-03-15)
02a8b27645 git-gui: Adjusted Japanese translation to updated POT (2008-03-15)
45e53d17ee git-gui: Update Japanese translation (2008-03-15)
442b3caaee git-gui: Don't translate the special Apple menu (2008-03-15)
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  many-alt-v2  oidtree: a crit-bit tree for odb_loose_cache (2021-06-29)
  mmap-retry-v1 xmmap: inform Linux users of tuning knobs on ENOMEM (2021-06-29)
  hashmap-wip-v3 hashmap_entry: remove first member requirement from docs (2019-10-06)
  hashmap-wip-v2 hashmap: remove type arg from hashmap_{get,put,remove}_entry (2019-09-24)
  hashmap-wip-v1 hashmap_get_next returns "struct hashmap_entry *" (2019-08-26)
  hashmap-wip-base First batch after Git 2.23 (2019-08-22)
  svn/doc      git-svn: commit-diff does not support --add-author-from (2018-04-16)
  svn/authors-prog-2 git-svn: allow empty email-address using authors-prog and authors-file (2018-04-05)
  svn-branch-segfault git-svn: control destruction order to avoid segfault (2018-01-29)
  svn-crlf     git-svn: convert CRLF to LF in commit message to SVN (2017-12-14)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v2.24.0      Git 2.24 (2019-11-04) tar.gz
v2.24.0-rc2  Git 2.24-rc2 (2019-10-30) tar.gz
v2.24.0-rc1  Git 2.24-rc1 (2019-10-24) tar.gz
v2.24.0-rc0  Git 2.24-rc0 (2019-10-18) tar.gz
v2.23.0      Git 2.23 (2019-08-16) tar.gz
v2.22.1      Git 2.22.1 (2019-08-11) tar.gz
v2.23.0-rc2  Git 2.23-rc2 (2019-08-09) tar.gz
v2.23.0-rc1  Git 2.23-rc1 (2019-08-02) tar.gz
v2.23.0-rc0  Git 2.23-rc0 (2019-07-29) tar.gz
v2.22.0      Git 2.22 (2019-06-07) tar.gz

git clone