libnodelay.git  about / heads / tags
LD_PRELOAD library to disable Nagle's algorithm
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' v1.0.0 --
a8e266e nodelay.c: update source header with license, too (2011-02-01)
	(tag: v1.0.0)
b76f7ab dual license under LGPLv3 and GPLv2 (2011-01-31)
875865b README: this project has a mailing list, now! (2011-01-26)
f7c50a9 README: update git URLs for (2011-01-26)
3834a8a README: update link to use the secure wikipedia site (2011-01-26)
74f6ee4 line wrap at 80 characters or less (2011-01-26)
d022d77 localize optval variable in setsockopt() (2011-01-26)
5668fb5 Enforce NODELAY on setsockopt(). (2011-01-26)
e024be4 Fixup README to use as a homepage (2009-06-08)
	(tag: v0.0.1)
47a36ae sleep in test to avoid race condition (2009-06-07)

$ git cat-file blob v1.0.0:README
libnodelay - LD_PRELOAD library to disable Nagle's algorithm

If you're tired of digging through a mess of code and confusing/obscure
configuration options, you should LD_PRELOAD this library instead.

Disabling Nagle's algorithm can result in a performance improvement
for latency-sensitive applications that use TCP.

More about Nagle's algorithm is here:


Home directory Installation

This will install in your $HOME/lib

	$ make
	$ make install

System-wide Installation

This will install in /usr/lib

	$ make
	# make install prefix=/usr




You may clone the source repository via git:

* git://
* <>
* git:// (mirror)
* <> (mirror)

You may also browse the source code or obtain tarballs from cgit:

* <>

Or via gitweb:

* <>

Email patches (git format-patch + git send-email) and pull requests
to the mailing list: <>


libnodelay is copyright (C) Eric Wong <>.  It is
dual-licensed under both the GNU Lesser General Public License,
version 3 and GNU General Public License, version 2.

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       README: minor cleanups (2014-07-22)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v1.0.2       libnodelay 1.0.2 (2014-07-22) tar.gz
v1.0.1       libnodelay 1.0.1 (2011-07-04) tar.gz
v1.0.0       libnodelay 1.0.0 (2011-02-01) tar.gz
v0.0.1       libnodelay 0.0.1 (2009-06-08) tar.gz

git clone