MogileFS Admin Backend Client MogileFS NewFile NewFile::Writer ReadOnlyError


::new #delete #each_file_info #each_key #exist? #file_debug #file_info #get_file_data #get_paths #get_uris #list_keys #new_file #rename #size #store_content #store_file #updateclass

class MogileFS::MogileFS

MogileFS file manipulation client.

Create a new instance that will communicate with these trackers:
hosts = %w[]
mg = MogileFS::MogileFS.new(:domain => 'test', :hosts => hosts)

# Stores "A bunch of text to store" into 'some_key' with a class of 'text'.
mg.store_content('some_key', 'text', "A bunch of text to store")

# Retrieve data from 'some_key' as a string
data = mg.get_file_data('some_key')

# Store the contents of 'image.jpeg' into the key 'my_image' with a
# class of 'image'.
mg.store_file('my_image', 'image', 'image.jpeg')

# Store the contents of 'image.jpeg' into the key 'my_image' with a
# class of 'image' using an open IO object.
File.open('image.jpeg') { |fp| mg.store_file('my_image', 'image', fp) }

# Retrieve the contents of 'my_image' into '/path/to/huge_file'
# without slurping the entire contents into memory:
mg.get_file_data('my_image', '/path/to/huge_file')

# Remove the key 'my_image' and 'some_key'.


domain [RW]

The domain of keys for this MogileFS client.

get_file_data_timeout [RW]

The timeout for get_file_data (per-read() system call). Defaults to five seconds.

new_file_max_time [RW]

The maximum allowed time for creating a new_file. Defaults to 1 hour.

Public Class Methods

new (args = {}) source

Creates a new MogileFS::MogileFS instance. args must include a key :domain specifying the domain of this client.

Optional parameters for args:

:get_file_data_timeout => Numeric

See get_file_data_timeout

:new_file_max_time => Numeric

See new_file_max_time

:fail_timeout => Numeric

Delay before retrying a failed tracker backends. Defaults to 5 seconds.

:timeout => Numeric

Timeout for tracker backend responses. Defaults to 3 seconds.

:connect_timeout => Integer

Timeout for connecting to a tracker Defaults to 3 seconds

Calls superclass method

Public Instance Methods

delete (key) source

Removes key.

each_file_info (prefix = "", args = nil) { |info| ... } source

Enumerates keys and yields a file_info hash for each key matched by prefix

each_key (prefix = "", args = nil, &block) source

Enumerates keys, limited by optional prefix args may also be specified for an optional :limit and :after (default: nil)

exist? (key) source

Returns true if key exists, false if not

file_debug (args) source

Given an Integer fid or String key and domain, thorougly search the database for all occurences of a particular fid.

Use this sparingly, this command hits the master database numerous times and is very expensive. This is not for production use, only troubleshooting and debugging.

Searches for fid=666:


Search for key=foo using the default domain for this object:


Search for key=foo in domain="bar":

client.file_debug(:key => "foo", :domain => "bar")
file_info (key, args = nil) source

Return metadata about a file as a hash. Returns the domain, class, length, devcount, etc. as keys. Optionally, device ids (not paths) can be returned as well if :devices is specified and true.

This should only be used for informational purposes, and not usually for dynamically serving files.



  "domain" => "foo",
  "key" => "bar",
  "class" => "default",
  "devcount" => 2,
  "length => 666
get_file_data (key, dst = nil, copy_length = nil, src_offset = nil) { |sock| ... } source

Retrieves the contents of key. If dst is specified, dst should be an IO-like object capable of receiving the write method or a path name. copy_length may be specified to limit the number of bytes to retrieve, and src_offset can be specified to specified the start position of the copy.

get_paths (key, *args) source

Get the paths (URLs as strings) for key. If args is specified, it may contain:

:noverify defaults to true because this client library is capable of verifying paths for readability itself. It is also faster and more reliable to verify paths on the client.

get_uris (key, *args) source

Get the URIs for key (paths) as URI::HTTP objects

list_keys (prefix = "", after = nil, limit = 1000, &block) source

Lists keys starting with prefix following after up to limit. If after is nil the list starts at the beginning.

new_file (key, args = nil, bytes = nil) { |file| ... } source

Creates a new file key in the domain of this object.

bytes is the expected size of the file if known in advance

It operates like File.open(..., "w") and may take an optional block, yielding an IO-like object with support for the methods documented in MogileFS::NewFile::Writer.

This atomically replaces existing data stored as key when the block exits or when the returned object is closed.

args may contain the following options:

:content_length => Integer

This has the same effect as the (deprecated) bytes parameter.

:largefile => :stream, :content_range or :tempfile

See MogileFS::NewFile for more information on this

:class => String

The MogileFS storage class of the object.

:content_md5 => String, Proc, or :trailer

This can either be a Base64-encoded String, a Proc object, or the :trailer symbol. If given a String, it will be used as the Content-MD5 HTTP header. If given the :trailer symbol, this library will automatically generate an Content-MD5 HTTP trailer. If given a Proc object, this Proc object should give a Base64-encoded string which can be used as the Content-MD5 HTTP trailer when called at the end of the request.

Keep in mind most HTTP servers do not support HTTP trailers, so passing a String is usually the safest way to use this.

:info => Hash

This is an empty hash that will be filled the same information MogileFS::MogileFS#file_info.

Additionally, it contains one additional key: :uris, an array of URI::HTTP objects to the stored destinations

rename (from, to) source

Renames a key from to key to.

size (key) source

Returns the size of key.

store_content (key, klass, content, opts = nil) source

Stores content into key in class klass, where content is a String This atomically replaces existing data stored as key

store_file (key, klass, file, opts = nil) source

Copies the contents of file into key in class klass. file can be either a path name (String or Pathname object) or an IO-like object that responds to read or readpartial. Returns size of file stored. This atomically replaces existing data stored as key

updateclass (key, newclass) source

Updates key to newclass

Parent: MogileFS::Client

Included modules: MogileFS::Bigfile
Pages Classes Methods

mail archives: https://yhbt.net/mogilefs-client-public/
public: mogilefs-client-public@yhbt.net
source code: git clone https://yhbt.net/mogilefs-client.git
	torsocks git clone http://ou63pmih66umazou.onion/mogilefs-client.git