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path: root/lib/rainbows/process_client.rb
DateCommit message (Expand)
2015-11-21bump to unicorn 5.0.1, use monotonic clock
2015-11-18http_parser: workaround hijack changes in unicorn 5
2015-11-18reduce constant lookup dependencies
2013-02-11hijacking support for Rack 1.5.x users
2011-06-28Fix Fiber* and WriterThread* breakage from removing io/wait
2011-05-10configurator: move validation logic over
2011-05-08process_client: fix pipeline_ready arity
2011-05-06remove unnecessary variable assignments
2011-05-03add client_header_buffer_size tuning parameter
2011-04-30lower header buffer sizes for synchronous models
2011-04-29xepoll_thread_spawn: initial implementation
2011-01-20remove support for Sunshowers
2011-01-20merge rack_input into process_client
2011-01-04globally refactor Range handling for responses
2011-01-04simplify per-client keepalive state checks
2010-12-08respect "rewindable_input false" in Unicorn config
2010-11-19simpler keepalive check for synchronous models
2010-11-16reimplement client_max_body_size handlers
2010-11-05avoid Errno::EAGAIN, harder
2010-11-04process_client: fix attempted keepalive on HTTP 0.9
2010-10-25reduce dependency on IO#write_nonblock
2010-10-22code shuffling for kgio