= TODO items for Rainbows! We're lazy and pick the easy items to do first, then the ones people care about. * documentation improvements * Split out NeverBlock into NeverBlockEventMachine and NeverBlockReactor NeverBlock will default to one of them (depending on NB upstream). * allow _OPTIONAL_ splice(2) with DevFdResponse under Linux (splice is very broken under some older kernels) * use IO#trysendfile for EventMachine/NeverBlock * Open file cache Rack app/middleware (idea from nginx), since sendfile (and IO.copy_stream) allows pread(2)-style offsets * Improve test suite coverage. We won't waste cycles with puny unit tests, only integration tests that exercise externally visible parts. * EventMachine+Fibers+streaming input (those who do not require streaming input can use {rack-fiber_pool}[http://github.com/mperham/rack-fiber_pool]) * CoolioFiberPool * ThreadPoolRevFiber{Spawn,Pool}: just because * Coolio + callcc - current Coolio model with callcc (should work with MBARI) * Omnibus - haven't looked into it, probably like Revactor with 1.8? * Packet - pure Ruby, EventMachine-like library * test and improve performance (throughput/latency/memory usage)