# -*- encoding: binary -*- require 'kgio' require 'unicorn' Unicorn::SocketHelper::DEFAULTS.merge!({ # the value passed to TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT actually matters in Linux 2.6.32+ :tcp_defer_accept => 60, # keep-alive performance sucks without this due to # write(headers)-write(body)-read # because we always write headers and bodies with two calls :tcp_nodelay => true, }) module Rainbows O = {} # :nodoc: # map of numeric file descriptors to IO objects to avoid using IO.new # and potentially causing race conditions when using /dev/fd/ FD_MAP = {} FD_MAP.compare_by_identity if FD_MAP.respond_to?(:compare_by_identity) # :startdoc: require 'rainbows/const' require 'rainbows/http_parser' require 'rainbows/http_server' autoload :Response, 'rainbows/response' autoload :ProcessClient, 'rainbows/process_client' autoload :Client, 'rainbows/client' autoload :Base, 'rainbows/base' autoload :Sendfile, 'rainbows/sendfile' autoload :AppPool, 'rainbows/app_pool' autoload :DevFdResponse, 'rainbows/dev_fd_response' autoload :MaxBody, 'rainbows/max_body' autoload :QueuePool, 'rainbows/queue_pool' autoload :EvCore, 'rainbows/ev_core' autoload :SocketProxy, 'rainbows/socket_proxy' # Sleeps the current application dispatch. This will pick the # optimal method to sleep depending on the concurrency model chosen # (which may still suck and block the entire process). Using this # with the basic :Coolio or :EventMachine models is not recommended. # This should be used within your Rack application. def self.sleep(nr) case Rainbows.server.use when :FiberPool, :FiberSpawn Rainbows::Fiber.sleep(nr) when :RevFiberSpawn, :CoolioFiberSpawn Rainbows::Fiber::Coolio::Sleeper.new(nr) when :Revactor Actor.sleep(nr) else Kernel.sleep(nr) end end # runs the Rainbows! HttpServer with +app+ and +options+ and does # not return until the server has exited. def self.run(app, options = {}) # :nodoc: HttpServer.new(app, options).start.join end # :stopdoc: class << self attr_accessor :max_bytes, :keepalive_timeout attr_accessor :server attr_accessor :cur # may not always be used attr_reader :alive attr_writer :tick_io end # :startdoc: # the default max body size is 1 megabyte (1024 * 1024 bytes) @max_bytes = 1024 * 1024 # the default keepalive_timeout is 5 seconds @keepalive_timeout = 5 # :stopdoc: @alive = true @cur = 0 @tick_mod = 0 @expire = nil def self.tick @tick_io.chmod(@tick_mod = 0 == @tick_mod ? 1 : 0) exit!(2) if @expire && Time.now >= @expire @alive && @server.master_pid == Process.ppid or quit! end def self.cur_alive @alive || @cur > 0 end def self.quit! @alive = false Rainbows::HttpParser.quit @expire ||= Time.now + (@server.timeout * 2.0) @server.class.const_get(:LISTENERS).map! { |s| s.close rescue nil } false end # maps models to default worker counts, default worker count numbers are # pretty arbitrary and tuning them to your application and hardware is # highly recommended MODEL_WORKER_CONNECTIONS = { :Base => 1, # this one can't change :WriterThreadPool => 20, :WriterThreadSpawn => 20, :Revactor => 50, :ThreadSpawn => 30, :ThreadPool => 20, :Rev => 50, :RevThreadSpawn => 50, :RevThreadPool => 50, :RevFiberSpawn => 50, :Coolio => 50, :CoolioThreadSpawn => 50, :CoolioThreadPool => 50, :CoolioFiberSpawn => 50, :Epoll => 50, :EventMachine => 50, :FiberSpawn => 50, :FiberPool => 50, :ActorSpawn => 50, :NeverBlock => 50, }.each do |model, _| u = model.to_s.gsub(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z0-9])/) { "#{$1}_#{$2.downcase!}" } autoload model, "rainbows/#{u.downcase!}" end # :startdoc: autoload :Fiber, 'rainbows/fiber' # core class autoload :StreamFile, 'rainbows/stream_file' autoload :HttpResponse, 'rainbows/http_response' # deprecated autoload :ThreadTimeout, 'rainbows/thread_timeout' autoload :WorkerYield, 'rainbows/worker_yield' autoload :SyncClose, 'rainbows/sync_close' end require 'rainbows/error' require 'rainbows/configurator'