# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: module Rainbows::Epoll::Client include Rainbows::EvCore APP = Rainbows.server.app Server = Rainbows::Epoll::Server IN = SleepyPenguin::Epoll::IN | SleepyPenguin::Epoll::ET OUT = SleepyPenguin::Epoll::OUT | SleepyPenguin::Epoll::ET KATO = {} KATO.compare_by_identity if KATO.respond_to?(:compare_by_identity) Rainbows.config!(self, :keepalive_timeout) EP = Rainbows::Epoll::EP @@last_expire = Time.now def self.expire return if ((now = Time.now) - @@last_expire) < 1.0 if (ot = KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT) >= 0 ot = now - ot KATO.delete_if { |client, time| time < ot and client.timeout! } end @@last_expire = now end # only call this once def epoll_once @wr_queue = [] # may contain String, ResponsePipe, and StreamFile objects post_init on_readable rescue => e handle_error(e) end def on_readable case rv = kgio_tryread(CLIENT_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE, RBUF) when String on_read(rv) return if @wr_queue[0] || closed? when :wait_readable KATO[self] = @@last_expire if :headers == @state return EP.set(self, IN) else break end until :close == @state close unless closed? rescue Errno::ECONNRESET close rescue IOError end def app_call input # called by on_read() @env[RACK_INPUT] = input @env[REMOTE_ADDR] = kgio_addr status, headers, body = APP.call(@env.merge!(RACK_DEFAULTS)) ev_write_response(status, headers, body, @hp.next?) end def write_response_path(status, headers, body, alive) io = body_to_io(body) st = io.stat if st.file? defer_file(status, headers, body, alive, io, st) elsif st.socket? || st.pipe? chunk = stream_response_headers(status, headers, alive) stream_response_body(body, io, chunk) else # char or block device... WTF? write_response(status, headers, body, alive) end end # used for streaming sockets and pipes def stream_response_body(body, io, chunk) pipe = (chunk ? Rainbows::Epoll::ResponseChunkPipe : Rainbows::Epoll::ResponsePipe).new(io, self, body) return @wr_queue << pipe if @wr_queue[0] stream_pipe(pipe) or return @wr_queue[0] or @wr_queue << Z end def ev_write_response(status, headers, body, alive) if body.respond_to?(:to_path) write_response_path(status, headers, body, alive) else write_response(status, headers, body, alive) end @state = alive ? :headers : :close on_read(Z) if alive && 0 == @wr_queue.size && 0 != @buf.size end def epoll_run if @wr_queue[0] on_writable else KATO.delete self on_readable end end def want_more Rainbows::Epoll::ReRun << self end def on_deferred_write_complete :close == @state and return close 0 == @buf.size ? on_readable : on_read(Z) end def handle_error(e) msg = Rainbows::Error.response(e) and kgio_trywrite(msg) rescue nil ensure close end def write_deferred(obj) Rainbows::StreamFile === obj ? stream_file(obj) : stream_pipe(obj) end # writes until our write buffer is empty or we block # returns true if we're done writing everything def on_writable obj = @wr_queue.shift case rv = String === obj ? kgio_trywrite(obj) : write_deferred(obj) when nil obj = @wr_queue.shift or return on_deferred_write_complete when String obj = rv # retry when :wait_writable # Strings and StreamFiles only @wr_queue.unshift(obj) EP.set(self, OUT) return when :deferred return end while true rescue => e handle_error(e) end def write(buf) unless @wr_queue[0] case rv = kgio_trywrite(buf) when nil return # all written when String buf = rv # retry when :wait_writable @wr_queue << buf.dup # >3-word 1.9 strings are copy-on-write return EP.set(self, OUT) end while true end @wr_queue << buf.dup # >3-word 1.9 strings are copy-on-write end def close @wr_queue.each { |x| x.respond_to?(:close) and x.close rescue nil } super on_close end def on_close KATO.delete(self) Server.decr end def timeout! close true end def defer_file(status, headers, body, alive, io, st) if r = sendfile_range(status, headers) status, headers, range = r write_headers(status, headers, alive) range and defer_file_stream(range[0], range[1], io, body) else write_headers(status, headers, alive) defer_file_stream(0, st.size, io, body) end end # returns +nil+ on EOF, :wait_writable if the client blocks def stream_file(sf) # +sf+ is a Rainbows::StreamFile object case n = trysendfile(sf, sf.offset, sf.count) when Integer sf.offset += n 0 == (sf.count -= n) and return sf.close else return n # :wait_writable or nil end while true rescue sf.close raise end def defer_file_stream(offset, count, io, body) sf = Rainbows::StreamFile.new(offset, count, io, body) unless @wr_queue[0] stream_file(sf) or return end @wr_queue << sf EP.set(self, OUT) end # this alternates between a push and pull model from the pipe -> client # to avoid having too much data in userspace on either end. def stream_pipe(pipe) case buf = pipe.tryread when String write(buf) if @wr_queue[0] # client is blocked on write, client will pull from pipe later EP.delete pipe @wr_queue << pipe EP.set(self, OUT) return :deferred end # continue looping... when :wait_readable # pipe blocked on read, let the pipe push to the client in the future EP.delete self EP.set(pipe, IN) return :deferred else # nil => EOF return pipe.close # nil end while true rescue pipe.close raise end end