# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: module Rainbows::XEpoll::Client N = Raindrops.new(1) Rainbows::Epoll.nr_clients = lambda { N[0] } include Rainbows::Epoll::Client EP = Rainbows::Epoll::EP ACCEPTORS = Rainbows::HttpServer::LISTENERS.dup extend Rainbows::WorkerYield def self.included(klass) max = Rainbows.server.worker_connections ACCEPTORS.map! do |sock| Thread.new do begin if io = sock.kgio_accept(klass) N.incr(0, 1) io.epoll_once end worker_yield while N[0] >= max rescue => e Rainbows::Error.listen_loop(e) end while Rainbows.alive end end end def self.run Rainbows::Epoll.loop Rainbows::JoinThreads.acceptors(ACCEPTORS) end # only call this once def epoll_once @wr_queue = [] # may contain String, ResponsePipe, and StreamFile objects post_init EP.set(self, IN) # wake up the main thread rescue => e Rainbows::Error.write(self, e) end def on_close KATO.delete(self) N.decr(0, 1) end end