#!/bin/sh . ./test-lib.sh t_plan 6 "pipelined pipe response for $model" t_begin "setup and startup" && { rtmpfiles err out dd_fifo rainbows_setup $model # can't load Rack::Lint here since it clobbers body#to_path rainbows -E none -D fast-pipe-response.ru -c $unicorn_config rainbows_wait_start } t_begin "read random blob sha1" && { random_blob_sha1=$(rsha1 < random_blob) } script=' require "digest/sha1" require "kcar" $stdin.binmode expect = ENV["random_blob_sha1"] kcar = Kcar::Response.new($stdin, {}) 3.times do nr = 0 status, headers, body = kcar.rack dig = Digest::SHA1.new body.each { |buf| dig << buf ; nr += buf.size } sha1 = dig.hexdigest sha1 == expect or abort "mismatch: sha1=#{sha1} != expect=#{expect}" body.close end $stdout.syswrite("ok\n") ' t_begin "staggered pipeline of 3 HTTP requests" && { req='GET /random_blob HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n' rm -f $ok ( export random_blob_sha1 $RUBY -e "$script" < $fifo >> $ok & printf "$req"'X-Req:0\r\n\r\n' exec 6>&1 ( dd bs=16384 count=1 printf "$req" >&6 dd bs=16384 count=1 printf 'X-Req:1\r\n\r\n' >&6 dd bs=16384 count=1 printf "$req" >&6 dd bs=16384 count=1 printf 'X-Req:2\r\n' >&6 dd bs=16384 count=1 printf 'Connection: close\r\n\r' >&6 dd bs=16384 count=1 printf '\n' >&6 cat ) < $dd_fifo > $fifo & wait echo ok >> $ok ) | socat - TCP:$listen > $dd_fifo test 2 -eq $(grep '^ok$' $ok |wc -l) } t_begin "pipeline 3 HTTP requests" && { rm -f $ok req='GET /random_blob HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n' req="$req"'\r\n'"$req"'\r\n'"$req" req="$req"'Connection: close\r\n\r\n' ( export random_blob_sha1 $RUBY -e "$script" < $fifo >> $ok & printf "$req" wait echo ok >> $ok ) | socat - TCP:$listen > $fifo test 2 -eq $(grep '^ok$' $ok |wc -l) } t_begin "shutdown server" && { kill -QUIT $rainbows_pid } t_begin "check stderr" && check_stderr t_done