# -*- encoding: binary -*- # frozen_string_literal: false # # Each Raindrops object is a container that holds several counters. # It is internally a page-aligned, shared memory area that allows # atomic increments, decrements, assignments and reads without any # locking. # # rd = Raindrops.new 4 # rd.incr(0, 1) -> 1 # rd.to_ary -> [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ] # # Unlike many classes in this package, the core Raindrops class is # intended to be portable to all reasonably modern *nix systems # supporting mmap(). Please let us know if you have portability # issues, patches or pull requests at mailto:raindrops-public@yhbt.net class Raindrops # Used to represent the number of +active+ and +queued+ sockets for # a single listen socket across all threads and processes on a # machine. # # For TCP listeners, only sockets in the TCP_ESTABLISHED state are # accounted for. For Unix domain listeners, only CONNECTING and # CONNECTED Unix domain sockets are accounted for. # # +active+ connections is the number of accept()-ed but not-yet-closed # sockets in all threads/processes sharing the given listener. # # +queued+ connections is the number of un-accept()-ed sockets in the # queue of a given listen socket. # # These stats are currently only available under \Linux class ListenStats < Struct.new(:active, :queued) # the sum of +active+ and +queued+ sockets def total active + queued end end unless defined? ListenStats # call-seq: # Raindrops.new(size, io: nil) -> raindrops object # # Initializes a Raindrops object to hold +size+ counters. +size+ is # only a hint and the actual number of counters the object has is # dependent on the CPU model, number of cores, and page size of # the machine. The actual size of the object will always be equal # or greater than the specified +size+. # If +io+ is provided, then the Raindrops memory will be backed by # the specified file; otherwise, it will allocate anonymous memory. # The IO object must respond to +truncate+, as this is used to set # the size of the file. # If +zero+ is provided, then the memory region is zeroed prior to # returning. This is only meaningful if +io+ is also provided; in # that case it controls whether any existing counter values in +io+ # are retained (false) or whether it is entirely zeroed (true). def initialize(size, io: nil, zero: false) # This ruby wrapper exists to handle the keyword-argument handling, # which is otherwise kind of awkward in C. We delegate the keyword # arguments to the _actual_ initialize implementation as positional # args. initialize_cimpl(size, io, zero) end autoload :Linux, 'raindrops/linux' autoload :Struct, 'raindrops/struct' autoload :Middleware, 'raindrops/middleware' autoload :Aggregate, 'raindrops/aggregate' autoload :LastDataRecv, 'raindrops/last_data_recv' autoload :Watcher, 'raindrops/watcher' end require 'raindrops_ext'