#!/usr/bin/env ruby DEF_VER = "v4.6.0" CONSTANT = "Unicorn::Const::UNICORN_VERSION" RVF = "lib/unicorn/version.rb" GVF = "GIT-VERSION-FILE" vn = DEF_VER # First see if there is a version file (included in release tarballs), # then try git-describe, then default. if File.exist?(".git") describe = `git describe --abbrev=4 HEAD 2>/dev/null`.strip case describe when /\Av[0-9]*/ vn = describe system(*%w(git update-index -q --refresh)) unless `git diff-index --name-only HEAD --`.chomp.empty? vn << "-dirty" end vn.tr!('-', '.') end end vn = vn.sub!(/\Av/, "") # generate the Ruby constant new_ruby_version = "#{CONSTANT} = '#{vn}'\n" cur_ruby_version = File.read(RVF) rescue nil if new_ruby_version != cur_ruby_version File.open(RVF, "w") { |fp| fp.write(new_ruby_version) } end # generate the makefile snippet new_make_version = "GIT_VERSION = #{vn}\n" cur_make_version = File.read(GVF) rescue nil if new_make_version != cur_make_version File.open(GVF, "w") { |fp| fp.write(new_make_version) } end puts vn if $0 == __FILE__