module Mongrel # # The HttpRequest.initialize method will convert any request that is larger than # Const::MAX_BODY into a Tempfile and use that as the body. Otherwise it uses # a StringIO object. To be safe, you should assume it works like a file. # class HttpRequest attr_reader :body, :params, :logger # You don't really call this. It's made for you. # Main thing it does is hook up the params, and store any remaining # body data into the HttpRequest.body attribute. def initialize(params, socket, logger) @params = params @socket = socket @logger = logger content_length = @params[Const::CONTENT_LENGTH].to_i remain = content_length - @params[Const::HTTP_BODY].length # Some clients (like FF1.0) report 0 for body and then send a body. This will probably truncate them but at least the request goes through usually. if remain <= 0 # we've got everything, pack it up @body = @body.write @params[Const::HTTP_BODY] elsif remain > 0 # must read more data to complete body if remain > Const::MAX_BODY # huge body, put it in a tempfile @body = @body.binmode else # small body, just use that @body = end @body.write @params[Const::HTTP_BODY] read_body(remain, content_length) end @body.rewind if @body end # Returns an environment which is rackable: # Copied directly from Rack's old Mongrel handler. def env env = params.clone env["QUERY_STRING"] ||= '' env.delete "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE" env.delete "HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH" env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "" if env["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "/" env.update({"rack.version" => [0,1], "rack.input" => @body, "rack.errors" => STDERR, "rack.multithread" => true, "rack.multiprocess" => false, # ??? "rack.run_once" => false, "rack.url_scheme" => "http", }) end # Does the heavy lifting of properly reading the larger body requests in # small chunks. It expects @body to be an IO object, @socket to be valid, # and will set @body = nil if the request fails. It also expects any initial # part of the body that has been read to be in the @body already. def read_body(remain, total) begin # Write the odd sized chunk first @params[Const::HTTP_BODY] = read_socket(remain % Const::CHUNK_SIZE) remain -= @body.write(@params[Const::HTTP_BODY]) # Then stream out nothing but perfectly sized chunks until remain <= 0 or @socket.closed? # ASSUME: we are writing to a disk and these writes always write the requested amount @params[Const::HTTP_BODY] = read_socket(Const::CHUNK_SIZE) remain -= @body.write(@params[Const::HTTP_BODY]) end rescue Object => e logger.error "Error reading HTTP body: #{e.inspect}" # Any errors means we should delete the file, including if the file is dumped @socket.close rescue nil @body.close! if @body.class == Tempfile @body = nil # signals that there was a problem end end def read_socket(len) if !@socket.closed? data = if !data raise "Socket read return nil" elsif data.length != len raise "Socket read returned insufficient data: #{data.length}" else data end else raise "Socket already closed when reading." end end end end