# encoding: binary # benchmark for HTTP parser hackers: # make http && ruby -I lib:ext/unicorn_http test/benchmark/http_parser.rb require 'unicorn' require 'optparse' require 'benchmark' $stdout.sync = true extra = [] nr = 100000 op = OptionParser.new("", 24, ' ') do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #$0" opts.separator "#$0 options:" # some of these switches exist for rackup command-line compatibility, opts.on('-n NUM', Integer, 'number of iterations') { |i| nr = i } opts.on('-H HEADER:VALUE', String) { |h| extra << h } opts.parse! ARGV end extra << '' if extra[0] payload = <<"".freeze GET /nowhere HTTP/1.0\r Host: example.com\r Accept-Encoding: gzip\r Accept-Language: en-US\r User-Agent: curl/7.52.1\r Accept: */*\r Referer: https://example.com/eye-kant-spel\r Cache-Control: max-age=0\r X-Forwarded-For:\r #{extra.join("\r\n")}\r hp = Unicorn::HttpParser.new puts payload.gsub(/^/, '> ') puts "#{nr} iterations" res = Benchmark.measure do nr.times do hp.buf << payload hp.parse or abort hp.clear end end puts Benchmark::CAPTION, res