# Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Wong require 'test/test_helper' include Unicorn class UploadTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @addr = ENV['UNICORN_TEST_ADDR'] || '' @port = unused_port @hdr = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => '0'} @bs = 4096 @count = 256 @server = nil # we want random binary data to test 1.9 encoding-aware IO craziness @random = File.open('/dev/urandom','rb') @sha1 = Digest::SHA1.new @sha1_app = lambda do |env| input = env['rack.input'] resp = { :pos => input.pos, :size => input.size, :class => input.class } # sysread @sha1.reset begin loop { @sha1.update(input.sysread(@bs)) } rescue EOFError end resp[:sha1] = @sha1.hexdigest # read input.sysseek(0) if input.respond_to?(:sysseek) input.rewind @sha1.reset loop { buf = input.read(@bs) or break @sha1.update(buf) } if resp[:sha1] == @sha1.hexdigest resp[:sysread_read_byte_match] = true end [ 200, @hdr.merge({'X-Resp' => resp.inspect}), [] ] end end def teardown redirect_test_io { @server.stop(true) } if @server @random.close end def test_put start_server(@sha1_app) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times do buf = @random.sysread(@bs) @sha1.update(buf) sock.syswrite(buf) end read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) assert_equal length, resp[:size] assert_equal 0, resp[:pos] assert_equal @sha1.hexdigest, resp[:sha1] end def test_put_trickle_small @count, @bs = 2, 128 start_server(@sha1_app) assert_equal 256, length sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) hdr = "PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n" @count.times do buf = @random.sysread(@bs) @sha1.update(buf) hdr << buf sock.syswrite(hdr) hdr = '' sleep 0.6 end read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) assert_equal length, resp[:size] assert_equal 0, resp[:pos] assert_equal @sha1.hexdigest, resp[:sha1] assert_equal StringIO, resp[:class] end def test_tempfile_unlinked spew_path = lambda do |env| if orig = env['HTTP_X_OLD_PATH'] assert orig != env['rack.input'].path end assert_equal length, env['rack.input'].size [ 200, @hdr.merge('X-Tempfile-Path' => env['rack.input'].path), [] ] end start_server(spew_path) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times { sock.syswrite(' ' * @bs) } path = sock.read[/^X-Tempfile-Path: (\S+)/, 1] sock.close # send another request to ensure we hit the next request sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nX-Old-Path: #{path}\r\n" \ "Content-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times { sock.syswrite(' ' * @bs) } path2 = sock.read[/^X-Tempfile-Path: (\S+)/, 1] sock.close assert path != path2 # make sure the next request comes in so the unlink got processed sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) sock.syswrite("GET ?lasdf\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n") sock.sysread(4096) rescue nil sock.close assert ! File.exist?(path) end def test_put_keepalive_truncates_small_overwrite start_server(@sha1_app) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) to_upload = length + 1 sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{to_upload}\r\n\r\n") @count.times do buf = @random.sysread(@bs) @sha1.update(buf) sock.syswrite(buf) end sock.syswrite('12345') # write 4 bytes more than we expected @sha1.update('1') read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) assert_equal to_upload, resp[:size] assert_equal 0, resp[:pos] assert_equal @sha1.hexdigest, resp[:sha1] end def test_put_excessive_overwrite_closed start_server(lambda { |env| [ 200, @hdr, [] ] }) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) buf = ' ' * @bs sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times { sock.syswrite(buf) } assert_raise(Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE) do ::Unicorn::Const::CHUNK_SIZE.times { sock.syswrite(buf) } end end def test_put_handler_closed_file nr = '0' start_server(lambda { |env| env['rack.input'].close resp = { :nr => nr.succ! } [ 200, @hdr.merge({ 'X-Resp' => resp.inspect}), [] ] }) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) buf = ' ' * @bs sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times { sock.syswrite(buf) } read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) assert_equal '1', resp[:nr] # server still alive? sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) assert_equal '2', resp[:nr] end def test_renamed_file_not_closed start_server(lambda { |env| new_tmp = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test') input = env['rack.input'] File.rename(input.path, new_tmp.path) resp = { :inode => input.stat.ino, :size => input.stat.size, :new_tmp => new_tmp.path, :old_tmp => input.path, } [ 200, @hdr.merge({ 'X-Resp' => resp.inspect}), [] ] }) sock = TCPSocket.new(@addr, @port) buf = ' ' * @bs sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") @count.times { sock.syswrite(buf) } read = sock.read.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", read[0] resp = eval(read.grep(/^X-Resp: /).first.sub!(/X-Resp: /, '')) new_tmp = File.open(resp[:new_tmp]) assert_equal resp[:inode], new_tmp.stat.ino assert_equal length, resp[:size] assert ! File.exist?(resp[:old_tmp]) assert_equal resp[:size], new_tmp.stat.size end # Despite reading numerous articles and inspecting the 1.9.1-p0 C # source, Eric Wong will never trust that we're always handling # encoding-aware IO objects correctly. Thus this test uses shell # utilities that should always operate on files/sockets on a # byte-level. def test_uncomfortable_with_onenine_encodings # POSIX doesn't require all of these to be present on a system which('curl') or return which('sha1sum') or return which('dd') or return start_server(@sha1_app) tmp = Tempfile.new('dd_dest') assert(system("dd", "if=#{@random.path}", "of=#{tmp.path}", "bs=#{@bs}", "count=#{@count}"), "dd #@random to #{tmp}") sha1_re = %r!\b([a-f0-9]{40})\b! sha1_out = `sha1sum #{tmp.path}` assert $?.success?, 'sha1sum ran OK' assert_match(sha1_re, sha1_out) sha1 = sha1_re.match(sha1_out)[1] resp = `curl -isSfN -T#{tmp.path} http://#@addr:#@port/` assert $?.success?, 'curl ran OK' assert_match(%r!\b#{sha1}\b!, resp) assert_match(/Tempfile/, resp) assert_match(/sysread_read_byte_match/, resp) # small StringIO path assert(system("dd", "if=#{@random.path}", "of=#{tmp.path}", "bs=1024", "count=1"), "dd #@random to #{tmp}") sha1_re = %r!\b([a-f0-9]{40})\b! sha1_out = `sha1sum #{tmp.path}` assert $?.success?, 'sha1sum ran OK' assert_match(sha1_re, sha1_out) sha1 = sha1_re.match(sha1_out)[1] resp = `curl -isSfN -T#{tmp.path} http://#@addr:#@port/` assert $?.success?, 'curl ran OK' assert_match(%r!\b#{sha1}\b!, resp) assert_match(/StringIO/, resp) assert_match(/sysread_read_byte_match/, resp) end private def length @bs * @count end def start_server(app) redirect_test_io do @server = HttpServer.new(app, :listeners => [ "#{@addr}:#{@port}" ] ) @server.start end end end