# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file # Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.4' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION # Bootstrap the Rails environment, frameworks, and default configuration require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot') Rails::Initializer.run do |config| # Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database, # you must remove the Active Record framework. config.frameworks -= [ :active_resource, :action_mailer ] config.threadsafe! config.action_controller.session = { :key => "_upr", :secret => "a"*30 } config.gem "moneta" # for the purposes of running this example in the upr source tree, we'll # just add our working copy of upr to the load_paths, however using the # gem is recommended for production for ease-of-management if (example = true) config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/../../lib ) else config.gem "upr" end # We MUST insert Upr before any parsers that read the body # since we need to wrap all calls to "rack.input" config.middleware.insert_before('ActionController::ParamsParser', 'Upr', # The default is to use the Moneta::Memory store here. # This won't work right if you have multiple processes # serving your application, however. # :backend => ($upr = Upr::Monitor.new), # # this enables the use of the ActiveRecord store, see # app/models/upr_status.rb. We pass this as a String # because ActiveRecord has not yet been loaded here. # :backend => "$upr = UprStatus", # You can specify an alternative Moneta-backed store here: # :backend => ($upr=Upr::Monitor.new(Moneta::Memory.new)), # # For mongrel_upload_progress compatibility, we can specify # a :drb option instead and leave :backend unset. # # Avoid DRb or any network-backed Moneta stores when using # Revactor unless they're using Revactor-aware network functions # :drb => 'druby://', # # Update at most once every second (default is every 3 seconds) :frequency => 1) end