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authorEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2011-01-27 21:50:59 +0000
committerEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2011-01-27 21:50:59 +0000
commit83961a504c34813bbdcf1edd674850038fbb1bc1 (patch)
parent898690ae2b01b3468675b01abe8efef5e6d52781 (diff)
use pkg.mk from my other projects
I like Make :D
2 files changed, 174 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index 23e2710..a0d87cc 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,113 +1,18 @@
-# use GNU Make to run tests in parallel, and without depending on RubyGems
-MRI = ruby
-RUBY = ruby
-RSYNC = rsync
+RSYNC_DEST := bogomips.org:/srv/bogomips/wrongdoc
+rfproject := rainbows
+rfpackage := wrongdoc
+include pkg.mk
 WRONGDOC := $(RUBY) -I lib bin/wrongdoc
-        @./GIT-VERSION-GEN
--include local.mk
 man1_paths := $(addprefix man/man1/, wrongdoc.1)
 man5_paths := $(addprefix man/man5/, dotwrongdoc.5)
 manpages := $(man1_paths) $(man5_paths)
         -$(MAKE) -C Documentation clean
 man html:
         $(MAKE) -C Documentation $@
+pkg_extra += $(manpages)
-$(manpages): man
-pkg_extra := GIT-VERSION-FILE ChangeLog LATEST NEWS $(manpages)
-ChangeLog: GIT-VERSION-FILE .wrongdoc.yml
-        $(WRONGDOC) prepare
-.manifest: ChangeLog
-        (git ls-files && for i in $@ $(pkg_extra); do echo $$i; done) | \
-          LC_ALL=C sort > $@+
-        mv $@+ $@
-doc: .document .wrongdoc.yml man html
-        find bin lib -type f -name '*.rbc' -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
-        $(RM) -r doc
-        $(WRONGDOC) all
-        install -m644 COPYING doc/COPYING
-        install -m644 $(shell grep '^[A-Z]' .document) doc/
-        tar cf - man | (cd doc && tar xf -)
-        -git set-file-times
-        $(MAKE) doc
-        -find doc/images -type f | \
-                TZ=UTC xargs touch -d '1970-01-01 00:00:01' doc/rdoc.css
-        chmod 644 $$(find doc -type f)
-        $(RSYNC) -av doc/ bogomips.org:/srv/bogomips/wrongdoc/
-        git ls-files | xargs touch
-ifneq ($(VERSION),)
-rfproject := rainbows
-rfpackage := wrongdoc
-pkggem := pkg/$(rfpackage)-$(VERSION).gem
-pkgtgz := pkg/$(rfpackage)-$(VERSION).tgz
-release_notes := release_notes-$(VERSION)
-release_changes := release_changes-$(VERSION)
-release-notes: $(release_notes)
-release-changes: $(release_changes)
-        $(WRONGDOC) release_changes > $@+
-        $(VISUAL) $@+ && test -s $@+ && mv $@+ $@
-        $(WRONGDOC) release_notes > $@+
-        $(VISUAL) $@+ && test -s $@+ && mv $@+ $@
-# ensures we're actually on the tagged $(VERSION), only used for release
-        test x"$(shell umask)" = x0022
-        git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/v$(VERSION)^{}
-        git diff-index --quiet HEAD^0
-        test `git rev-parse --verify HEAD^0` = \
-             `git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/v$(VERSION)^{}`
-        -git ls-tree -r HEAD | awk '/^100644 / {print $$NF}' | xargs chmod 644
-        -git ls-tree -r HEAD | awk '/^100755 / {print $$NF}' | xargs chmod 755
-gem: $(pkggem)
-install-gem: $(pkggem)
-        gem install $(CURDIR)/$<
-$(pkggem): .manifest fix-perms
-        gem build $(rfpackage).gemspec
-        mkdir -p pkg
-        mv $(@F) $@
-$(pkgtgz): distdir = $(basename $@)
-$(pkgtgz): HEAD = v$(VERSION)
-$(pkgtgz): .manifest fix-perms
-        @test -n "$(distdir)"
-        $(RM) -r $(distdir)
-        mkdir -p $(distdir)
-        tar cf - `cat .manifest` | (cd $(distdir) && tar xf -)
-        cd pkg && tar cf - $(basename $(@F)) | gzip -9 > $(@F)+
-        mv $@+ $@
-package: $(pkgtgz) $(pkggem)
-release: verify package $(release_notes) $(release_changes)
-        rubyforge add_release -f -n $(release_notes) -a $(release_changes) \
-          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkgtgz)
-        gem push $(pkggem)
-        -rubyforge add_file \
-          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkggem)
-gem install-gem: GIT-VERSION-FILE
-        $(MAKE) $@ VERSION=$(GIT_VERSION)
-.PHONY: .FORCE-GIT-VERSION-FILE doc manifest man test
+doc:: man html
diff --git a/pkg.mk b/pkg.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb71491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+RUBY = ruby
+RAKE = rake
+RSYNC = rsync
+WRONGDOC = wrongdoc
+        @./GIT-VERSION-GEN
+-include local.mk
+DLEXT := $(shell $(RUBY) -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["DLEXT"]')
+RUBY_VERSION := $(shell $(RUBY) -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION')
+RUBY_ENGINE := $(shell $(RUBY) -e 'puts((RUBY_ENGINE rescue "ruby"))')
+lib := lib
+ifeq ($(shell test -f script/isolate_for_tests && echo t),t)
+isolate_libs := tmp/isolate/$(RUBY_ENGINE)-$(RUBY_VERSION)/isolate.mk
+$(isolate_libs): script/isolate_for_tests
+        @$(RUBY) script/isolate_for_tests
+-include $(isolate_libs)
+lib := $(lib):$(ISOLATE_LIBS)
+ext := $(firstword $(wildcard ext/*))
+ifneq ($(ext),)
+ext_pfx := tmp/ext/$(RUBY_ENGINE)-$(RUBY_VERSION)
+ext_h := $(wildcard $(ext)/*/*.h $(ext)/*.h)
+ext_src := $(wildcard $(ext)/*.c $(ext_h))
+ext_pfx_src := $(addprefix $(ext_pfx)/,$(ext_src))
+ext_d := $(ext_pfx)/$(ext)/.d
+$(ext)/extconf.rb: $(wildcard $(ext)/*.h)
+        @>> $@
+        @mkdir -p $(@D)
+        @> $@
+$(ext_pfx)/$(ext)/%: $(ext)/% $(ext_d)
+        install -m 644 $< $@
+$(ext_pfx)/$(ext)/Makefile: $(ext)/extconf.rb $(ext_d) $(ext_h)
+        $(RM) -f $(@D)/*.o
+        cd $(@D) && $(RUBY) $(CURDIR)/$(ext)/extconf.rb
+ext_sfx := _ext.$(DLEXT)
+ext_dl := $(ext_pfx)/$(ext)/$(notdir $(ext)_ext.$(DLEXT))
+$(ext_dl): $(ext_src) $(ext_pfx_src) $(ext_pfx)/$(ext)/Makefile
+        @echo $^ == $@
+        $(MAKE) -C $(@D)
+lib := $(lib):$(ext_pfx)/$(ext)
+build: $(ext_dl)
+pkg_extra := GIT-VERSION-FILE NEWS ChangeLog LATEST
+ChangeLog: GIT-VERSION-FILE .wrongdoc.yml
+        $(WRONGDOC) prepare
+        $(RM) .manifest
+        $(MAKE) .manifest
+.manifest: ChangeLog
+        (git ls-files && for i in $@ $(pkg_extra); do echo $$i; done) | \
+                LC_ALL=C sort > $@+
+        cmp $@+ $@ || mv $@+ $@
+        $(RM) $@+
+doc:: .document .wrongdoc.yml
+        find lib -type f -name '*.rbc' -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
+        -find ext -type f -name '*.rbc' -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
+        $(RM) -r doc
+        $(WRONGDOC) all
+        install -m644 COPYING doc/COPYING
+        install -m644 $(shell grep '^[A-Z]' .document) doc/
+ifneq ($(VERSION),)
+pkggem := pkg/$(rfpackage)-$(VERSION).gem
+pkgtgz := pkg/$(rfpackage)-$(VERSION).tgz
+release_notes := release_notes-$(VERSION)
+release_changes := release_changes-$(VERSION)
+release-notes: $(release_notes)
+release-changes: $(release_changes)
+        $(WRONGDOC) release_changes > $@+
+        $(VISUAL) $@+ && test -s $@+ && mv $@+ $@
+        $(WRONGDOC) release_notes > $@+
+        $(VISUAL) $@+ && test -s $@+ && mv $@+ $@
+# ensures we're actually on the tagged $(VERSION), only used for release
+        test x"$(shell umask)" = x0022
+        git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/v$(VERSION)^{}
+        git diff-index --quiet HEAD^0
+        test $$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD^0) = \
+             $$(git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/v$(VERSION)^{})
+        -git ls-tree -r HEAD | awk '/^100644 / {print $$NF}' | xargs chmod 644
+        -git ls-tree -r HEAD | awk '/^100755 / {print $$NF}' | xargs chmod 755
+gem: $(pkggem)
+install-gem: $(pkggem)
+        gem install $(CURDIR)/$<
+$(pkggem): manifest fix-perms
+        gem build $(rfpackage).gemspec
+        mkdir -p pkg
+        mv $(@F) $@
+$(pkgtgz): distdir = $(basename $@)
+$(pkgtgz): HEAD = v$(VERSION)
+$(pkgtgz): manifest fix-perms
+        @test -n "$(distdir)"
+        $(RM) -r $(distdir)
+        mkdir -p $(distdir)
+        tar cf - $$(cat .manifest) | (cd $(distdir) && tar xf -)
+        cd pkg && tar cf - $(basename $(@F)) | gzip -9 > $(@F)+
+        mv $@+ $@
+package: $(pkgtgz) $(pkggem)
+test-release:: verify package $(release_notes) $(release_changes)
+        # make tgz release on RubyForge
+        @echo rubyforge add_release -f \
+          -n $(release_notes) -a $(release_changes) \
+          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkgtgz)
+        @echo gem push $(pkggem)
+        @echo rubyforge add_file \
+          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkggem)
+release:: verify package $(release_notes) $(release_changes)
+        # make tgz release on RubyForge
+        rubyforge add_release -f -n $(release_notes) -a $(release_changes) \
+          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkgtgz)
+        # push gem to RubyGems.org
+        gem push $(pkggem)
+        # in case of gem downloads from RubyForge releases page
+        rubyforge add_file \
+          $(rfproject) $(rfpackage) $(VERSION) $(pkggem)
+gem install-gem: GIT-VERSION-FILE
+        $(MAKE) $@ VERSION=$(GIT_VERSION)
+all:: test
+test_units := $(wildcard test/test_*.rb)
+test: test-unit
+test-unit: $(test_units)
+$(test_units): build
+        $(RUBY) -I $(lib) $@
+# this requires GNU coreutils variants
+ifneq ($(RSYNC_DEST),)
+        -git set-file-times
+        $(MAKE) doc
+        find doc/images -type f | \
+                TZ=UTC xargs touch -d '1970-01-01 00:00:06' doc/rdoc.css
+        $(MAKE) doc_gz
+        $(RSYNC) -av doc/ $(RSYNC_DEST)/
+        git ls-files | xargs touch
+# Create gzip variants of the same timestamp as the original so nginx
+# "gzip_static on" can serve the gzipped versions directly.
+doc_gz: docs = $(shell find doc -type f ! -regex '^.*\.\(gif\|jpg\|png\|gz\)$$')
+        for i in $(docs); do \
+          gzip --rsyncable -9 < $$i > $$i.gz; touch -r $$i $$i.gz; done
+.PHONY: all .FORCE-GIT-VERSION-FILE doc test $(test_units) manifest