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path: root/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh
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1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh b/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd71893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test -r random_blob || die "random_blob required, run with 'make $0'"
+case $RUBY_VERSION in
+1.9.*) ;;
+        t_info "skipping $T since it can't IO.copy_stream"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+case $model in
+ThreadSpawn|WriterThreadSpawn|ThreadPool|WriterThreadPool|Base) ;;
+        t_info "skipping $T since it doesn't use IO.copy_stream"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+t_plan 11 "IO.copy_stream byte range response for $model"
+t_begin "setup and startup" && {
+        rtmpfiles out err
+        rainbows_setup $model
+        # can't load Rack::Lint here since it clobbers body#to_path
+        rainbows -E none -D large-file-response.ru -c $unicorn_config
+        rainbows_wait_start
+        random_blob_size=$(wc -c < random_blob)
+        rb_1=$(( $random_blob_size - 1 ))
+        range_head=-r-365
+        range_tail=-r155-
+        range_mid=-r200-300
+        range_n1=-r0-$rb_1
+        range_n2=-r0-$(($rb_1 - 1))
+        range_1b_head=-r0-0
+        range_1b_tail=-r$rb_1-$rb_1
+        range_1b_mid=-r200-200
+        range_all=-r0-$random_blob_size
+        url=http://$listen/random_blob
+check_content_range () {
+        # Content-Range: bytes #{offset}-#{offset+count-1}/#{clen}
+        awk -F/ -v E=0 -v size=$random_blob_size '
+        $2 == size && /^< Content-Range: bytes [0-9]+-[0-9]+\// {
+                split($1, a, /-/);
+                if (a[1] < size) {
+                        E = 0;
+                        exit(0);
+                }
+        }
+        END { exit(E) }
+        ' < $err
+t_begin "read random blob sha1s" && {
+        sha1_head=$(curl -sSff $range_head file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_tail=$(curl -sSff $range_tail file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_mid=$(curl -sSff $range_mid file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_n1=$(curl -sSff $range_n1 file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_n2=$(curl -sSff $range_n2 file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_head=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_head file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_tail=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_tail file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_mid=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_mid file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_all=$(rsha1 < random_blob)
+        echo "$sha1_all=$sha1_n1"
+t_begin "normal full request matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        grep 'Content-Range:' $err && die "Content-Range unexpected"
+        grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' $err || die "200 response expected"
+t_begin "crazy offset goes over" && {
+        range_insane=-r$(($random_blob_size * 2))-$(($random_blob_size * 4))
+        curl -vsS 2>$err $range_insane $url
+        grep 'HTTP/1\.[01] 416 ' $err || die "expected 416 error"
+t_begin "full request matches with explicit ranges" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_all -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_n1 -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        range_over=-r0-$(($random_blob_size * 2))
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_over -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "no fence post errors" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_n2 -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_n2" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_head -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_head" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_tail -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_tail" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_mid -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_mid" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "head range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSfv $range_head $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_head" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "tail range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSf $range_tail $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_tail" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "mid range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSf $range_mid $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_mid" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "shutdown server" && {
+        kill -QUIT $rainbows_pid
+t_begin "check stderr" && check_stderr