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path: root/test/unit
DateCommit message (Expand)
2009-07-19fix tests to run correctly under 1.9.2preview1
2009-07-16move all #gets logic to tee_input out of chunked_reader
2009-07-15Rename unicorn/http11 => unicorn_http
2009-07-04Favor Struct members to instance variables
2009-07-01Force streaming input onto apps by default
2009-06-30TrailerParser integration into ChunkedReader
2009-06-30trailer_parser: set keys with "HTTP_" prefix
2009-06-30chunked_reader: Add test for chunk parse failure
2009-06-30Add trailer_parser for parsing trailers
2009-06-29chunked_reader: simpler interface
2009-06-29configurator: provide stream_input (true|false) option
2009-06-29"Fix" tests that break with stream_input=false
2009-06-29test_upload: fix ECONNRESET with 1.9
2009-06-29test_upload: add tests for chunked encoding
2009-06-10Optimize body-less GET/HEAD requests (again)
2009-06-05Transfer-Encoding: chunked streaming input support
2009-05-13test_response: correct OFS test
2009-05-13http_response: allow string status codes
2009-05-10Enforce minimum timeout at 3 seconds
2009-05-04Preserve 1.9 IO encodings in reopen_logs
2009-05-04Inline and remove the HttpRequest#reset method
2009-05-04test_signals: ready workers before connecting
2009-05-03Instant shutdown signals really mean instant shutdown
2009-05-03Safer timeout handling and test case
2009-05-03http_request: switch to readpartial over sysread
2009-04-27test_upload: still uncomfortable with 1.9 IO encoding...
2009-04-25test_request: enable with Ruby 1.9 now Rack 1.0.0 is out
2009-04-24configurator: "listen" directive more nginx-like
2009-04-23http_response: minor performance gains
2009-04-23test_socket_helper: disable GC for this test
2009-04-23Fix data corruption with small uploads via browsers
2009-04-21test: empty port test for absolute URIs
2009-04-21http11: support underscores in URI hostnames
2009-04-21Stop extending core classes
2009-04-21http11: rfc2616 handling of absolute URIs
2009-04-21http11: make parser obey HTTP_HOST with empty port
2009-04-21HttpParser: set QUERY_STRING for Rack-compliance
2009-04-21Move absolute URI parsing into HTTP parser
2009-04-16test_upload: ensure StringIO objects are binary
2009-04-16Small garbage reduction in HttpResponse
2009-04-16ensure responses always have the "Status:" header
2009-04-13Expose worker to {before,after}_fork hooks
2009-04-12test_http_parser: fix broken URL in comment
2009-04-12http11: cleanup+safer rack.url_scheme handling
2009-04-10listen backlog, sndbuf, rcvbuf are always changeable
2009-04-10close listeners when removing them from our array
2009-04-08http11: handle "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"
2009-04-08test_request: tests esoteric/rare REQUEST_URIs
2009-04-05test_configurator: rename test name that never ran
2009-04-05Add test for :preload_app config option