kgio-monkey.git  about / heads / tags
kinder, gentler SSL/TLS I/O for Ruby
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d'
82f333e update mailing list address (2015-01-15)
	(HEAD -> master)
2ed7cb2 documentation updates for olddoc (2015-01-15)
01f13e6 kgio-monkey 0.4.0 - minor updates and improvements (2012-04-29)
	(tag: v0.4.0)
6f0234b test_tdb_session_cache: fix Ruby 1.8.7 syntax errors (2012-04-28)
a2bbb88 replace mmap with pread in mock sendfile implementation (2012-04-28)
43347e6 test/external_session_cache: force SSLv3 for tests (2012-04-26)
a406d0e call shutdown() on close for descriptors shared across fork() (2012-04-27)
62b1d31 test/test_client_auth: allow TLSv1.2 as a protocol (2012-04-12)
4959cc9 script/sslgen: use larger keys for tests (2012-04-12)
6c17caf Fixed some typos in Kgio::SSLConnector documentation (2012-04-11)

$ git cat-file blob HEAD:README
= kgio-monkey - kinder, gentler, SSL/TLS I/O for Ruby

Wraps OpenSSL to provide {kgio-compatible}[]
kgio_trywrite and kgio_tryread IO methods to Kgio::SSL wrapper objects.

== WARNING!!!!!!!!1

This project is NOT maintained nor reviewed by anybody with any
credentials in security nor cryptography, use at your own risk.

Security/code/all reviews are very welcome, email us at (or if you wish to
remain anonymous).

This project is NOT an endorsement of OpenSSL itself.  This project uses
OpenSSL only because Ruby already bundles the "openssl" extension and we
don't have time to maintain full Ruby bindings for NSS or any another
SSL/TLS library.

== Install

Ruby 1.8.6 and earlier is NOT supported.

The library consists of a C extension so you'll need a Unix-like system
with a C compiler and Ruby development libraries/headers.

You may also install it via

  gem install kgio-monkey

You can get the latest source via git from the following locations
(these versions may not be stable):

  git:// (mirror)

You may browse the code from the web and download the latest snapshot
tarballs here:

* (cgit)
* (gitweb)

See the HACKING guide on how to contribute and build prerelease gems
from git.

== Contact

All feedback (bug reports, user/development dicussion, patches, pull
requests) go to the mailing list/newsgroup.  See the ISSUES document for
information on the {kgio mailing list}[]

For the latest on kgio-monkey releases, you may check our NEWS page
(and subscribe to our Atom feed).

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       update mailing list address (2015-01-15)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v0.4.0       kgio-monkey 0.4.0 - minor updates and improvements (2012-04-29) tar.gz
v0.3.0       kgio-monkey 0.3.0 - small improvements (2011-08-25) tar.gz
v0.2.0       kgio-monkey 0.2.0 - minor updates (2011-08-09) tar.gz
v0.1.0       kgio-monkey 0.1.0 - initial release (2011-08-04) tar.gz
v0.0.0pre0   kgio-monkey 0.0.0pre0 (2011-07-06) tar.gz

git clone